White sabae anemone


I've been thinking on adding a white sabea anemone to my tank. I'm currently adding some additive to the water, I don't remember the name but it has calcium, iodine, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
I have read that they are filter feeders, is it really true ? or I am going to have to feed them with something else ? If so, what should I give it.


I don't know where you read that anemones are filter feeders. If it is a book, throw it away :D
Anemones need to be feed..and quite often. Feed them silversides..take a trip to the grocery store and get shrimp, mussles, scallops, squid, or any type of ocean white fish such as grouper, sole, sea bass. Don't get oily fish such as salmon, herring, or tuna. Feed your anemone at least 2-3 times a week. I feed mine every other day. They have grown and divided many times.
If you are not feeding an anemone, it is most likely starving to death. Also, don't rely on clownfish to feed it. They won't get enough to eat this way.
Here is a quote from part of a discussion with Dr. Ron Shimek:
All organisms are on an energy budget. Anemones can get income (nutrient energy) from a number of sources - direct feeding, indirect feeding (fish feces, drifting food, particulate material in the water (bacteria mostly)), some direct absorption of dissolved nutrients and zooxanthellae byproducts. Zoox byproducts are basically carbs only, so for growth the animal needs some sort of food.
All of the above sources have to sum to 100% of the needs for the organism to stay at status quo. Less, and it will shrink and my die. More and it grows, and may reproduce.
The fact that a lot of anemones die is reason enough to realize that most folks don't feed there systems enough. And... all the light in the world will not substitute for food if the animal doesn't have a nitrogen source for proteins.
[ November 05, 2001: Message edited by: Amphiprion ]


Thanks for the info Amphiprion.
Like I said on my post, 'I've been thinking', I do not have one yet. I would not have anything and let it die of starvation !!!!
Anyway, thanks again :D :D


Hey Terry,
Too late, I got the white anemone last night. Since I don't know what to do to save it, could you please give some advise ??? I did search on disease and treatment, and on fish discusion and nothing related to this issue came up.
Thanks. :confused:


HEY O.Y.T, that picture is awesome !
I wish my percula would take the anemone as its home. I feed the anemone last night with a piece of scallop, and looks fine to me.
So far my dwarf angel has come closer to the anemone than the percula :eek: but I still hope he'll dive there sometime.
Cheers !