white sand turning brown ?


my fowlr 30 gal. tank has been set up 1.5 yrs now w/cc..2 weeks ago I changed to caribi sugar size sand.(I saved some cc and put in a stocking to help seed the sand)everything has been fine..2 days ago I added a little more lr 5 lbs..near the lr is where the sand has turned a light brown..any idea's, good ? bad ? thanx
I'm having that same problem it's called detritus(sp) it's normal with newly added sand. I have it all over my l/r and sand. A good clean up crew with mexican turbo's, sand siffting stars etc. would help you. Me on the other hand my fish would love for me to put a clean up crew or should I say "hor'dovers" so he can eat them.
But it's normal so don't worry much.


Active Member
combo solution, but it is a normal stage, nothing to panic over,
adjusting you circulation or powerheads my help, too much food(may be part of problem), cut bac k on lighting, and or get some cleaners, i like trochus snails, they do an awesome job, and are less likely to drown from drowning than turbos


Active Member
It is probably Diatoms that is covering your sand and live rock not detritus.


Active Member
You can scrub it off with a tooth brush, but some turbo snails will take it off for you.


My 150gal has been up for 2 1/2 weeks now, and I put in 35 Turbo's and 25 left-handed hermits last Friday.
These guys are AMAZING as a clean-up crew...
Going up the glass, rock, heads, return hose, etc...everywhere to get at that brown algae....
Tank looked better within virtually hours...


my snails and hermit crabs aren't doing that great of a job. My emerald crab works incessantly but he doesn't seem interested in the thick brown algae on the lr. I peeled some of it off last night and it was unbelievably thick.