white sebea anenome from SWF.COM


New Member
Hello all, I just got this white sebea anenome delivered last friday (5 days ago). Since then, it has just flopped around not attaching itself anywhere. The tank is in my office, and each morning when I come in for the last 3 days, it is upside down with its "foot" facing the lights, face in the sand. It looks super healthy, all puffed up and looking good, but why does it not want to attach anywhere? I have fed it twice, and it has eaten some small krill pieces. Any suggestions? thank you!


Active Member
he does not sound happy!!!
Can you post a picture-cause he shouldnt be white, he should be a deep cream color.He might be bleached out. Its a good sign that he ate. What kind of lighting are you using and how did you acclimate him??Is he "sticky"?If you dont want to touch him ,you can see if the food sticks to him good when feeding. If not thats not a good sign.They can take days to find a good spot that they like .


New Member
he is while - cream colored... he looks healthy. I did a temp. acclimate, as SWF.COM said to. He is sticky, krill sticks to his tentacles and he feeds himself...


Active Member
sounds all good , what about the lighting??? He may just need some time. Keep feeding once a week and give it time as long as the lighing isnt too strong or not strong enough. :happyfish