White slime in RO water trashcan


New Member
Hello. I'm new to saltwater keeping and forums in general but hopefully can eventually contribute as much as I've learned here so far! I have a question regarding my RO water that I purchase from a LFS. I generally bring it home, put it in a trash can for a day or so with a powerhead and a heater. All the levels are perfect so I never have to add anything to it to get it ready for my tank. This time unfortunately there is a white slime covering the inside of the trash can, the cords to the heater and powerhead, and on the surface of the water. I rinsed the can out with freshwater before filling it up, so I'm not sure what this slime could be. Anyone encounter a similar problem? Should I go ahead and do the water change anyway?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site!
A white powder film is normal but not a slime. It's just a guess, but your container may not be able to have saltwater in it and the plastic is breaking down or reacting to the saltwater somehow..


Active Member
Bacteria bloom. You need to clean it out with bleach every so often then rinse and let it dry before putting more water in.

bang guy

Many types of refuse containers are made with recycled materials and can contain Phosphates. RO water can dissolve almost anything and the phosphate allows bacteria to live a meager existance on the container. It's harmless.