white smoke??


New Member
I just happened to look into my tank and there is some lil animal on the live rock that is pulsing and spitting/blowing out what looks like white smoke? anyone know what that might be??


WoW I have the same thing in my tank!!! I see the little guy every once in awhile and actually on 2 occasions seen the thing blow the white smoke out of its body, and yes it does look like a snail without a shell, anyone have any ideas????
I think its throwing out babies to be honest, thats my only guess....i have alot of white dots near a power head and looks like snail eggs or something.... :notsure:


Active Member
I had the same in my tank about 2 months ago. At first I thought it was a dragon but was a hamless snail. They are good to have in the tank. I have seen 3 in my tank thus far.

Makes me think: if this happens in our tanks, what happens in the ocean?


It is a Stomatella. They is what they do when the spawn. They are interesting little critters, but they can mulitply quickly. I have a bunch.
Good Luck.


Active Member
Stomatella snails. They are pretty cool. I used to have several, but I have not seen them in awhile.
