White specks on glass....


I've had my 75 gallon tank set up for about 3 weeks now. I have about 40 pounds of LR and about 40 pounds of LS. After a few weeks my fish guy said we should be able to put a fish in and a small piece of coral. Well I have a yellow tang and a small piece of button polyp coral. Everything seems to be good, it took a few days for the coral to come around but it's doing alright, and the tang seems perfectly fine, he swims around all the time and eats extremely well. One thing I just noticed tonight though on my glass was these little white specks. I can't tell if it's just my powerheads (2 1200's) moving them around on the glass, or if they are some kind of parasite or something. I noticed that when I look close at some of them, they have a white center, with little arm-like things sticking out, almost like a starfish or something. I would post a picture but we are talking MICROSCOPIC!! Anyone know what this is? :notsure:


ok your not the only 1 with this , my tank has bin up for 3 months and I just started to see them also . They are everywhere in my tank ....is this ok ?


Most pods are beneficial because they process detritus and serve as a natural food source for fish. See the sticky thread about hitchikers; there's some info in there under Copepods, Amphipods, and Isopods.


Sounds like hydroid jellyfish to me... In the adult free floating stage...



They are just there, you cannot do anything about them. They will come and go. Just ignore them.
If you see them in the baby stage (a pic is in the hitch-hiker sticky) then you can try to remove them. They look like brown fuzz on the rock. If you see the brown fuzz, and the rock is small, you can take it out. But there is really no need to stress about these, most of us have them.