White Spine Unicorn Tang



What is the recommended tank size for this tang? it doesn't list it on the website. and they have a 19.99 deal right now. I have a 60 gal. and am definitely thinking about upgrading it as my fish grow. But for now they are all in the 2-3 in. range.
Also how would this fish do with the fish I have so far? Hummu Hummu, Javanese Damsel, Blue Damsel, Copper band butterfly, Valentini Puffer, Spiny Boxfish, and Leopard grouper.


Active Member
I honestly think you are overstocked now, especially with the grouper. I would wait until you upgrade......


Active Member
yeah def sounds like you are overstocked..you need to upgrade asap..that grouper is going to outgrow your tank very soon.
any recent water tests?


Originally Posted by premilove
yeah def sounds like you are overstocked..you need to upgrade asap..that grouper is going to outgrow your tank very soon.
any recent water tests?
How fast will this grouper grow? The LFS said he/she would grow. But how quickly will this happen? I have really enjoyed watching him emerge over the last few weeks that I have had the little guy. He/she has really come out of it's shell, or should I say scale.

I need to do a water test soon. Last time everythings was good.
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Ph.8.0 ish
and then there is my pain in my existence Nitrates which stay around 40. I do weekly water changes of about 7- 10 gal. I will test again tomorrow and give a more updated reading.
Any other advice I should be aware of?


New Member
That Tang can reach 27 inches long. Instead of buying the Tang you should put away for a 300 Gallon aquarium that its gonna take to house the Unicorn Tang.


Active Member
I would discourage keeping a unicorn tang in anything under a 250. WAIY until you have the bigger tank...don't assume, because more often than not, it doesn't happen.
Go to a public aquarium and you will see why these fish belong in big tanks.
I agree also, the tank is overstocked as it stands, IMO.


Active Member
I'm going to have to agree with other posters on this one 60 gal is way to small for this fish even if you didn't have so many fish in it.As for being called white spine unicorn I've never heard this name before but different suppliers tend to have different names.they are very active and require a lot of swimming space.if its the same one im thinking of it will grow very quickly


Active Member
I would also add NEVER buy a fish just because it is on sale and seems like a good deal. Many hobbyists have made this decision and regret it...and it is often tragic for the fish too.


Active Member
I liked the little spotted groupers as well until I saw a full sized one taken back to a pet store --- the poor fish couldn't turn around in the tank it was in.
Pretty as babies... huge and kinda pale out as they get bigger -- and I think A LOT of them get sold unknowingly to people because they are so small and cute to begin with.
I know the grouper will live up to its potential size in the home aquarium and eat whatever it wants eventually.
I'd definately hold off as adding another fish sounds like adding trouble to an overstocked tank already (or close to it)


I wouldn't put a unicorn tang in anything less than a 220g. Those juvenile Unicorn tangs will get over a foot long and will demand alot of swim room.
Also, wait until you upgrade before you get any more fish.


Thanks everyone. I will pass on getting this guy until I have a larger tank. I do plan on taking the damsels to the LFS if I can ever catch them. But I will hold off on getting anymore fish.