white splotches on Regal blue tang?


New Member
I just 'inherited' a regal blue tang from a friend who is moving.
There are small white splotches on him, but they are larger than salt-sized granules. They are smaller than say, a pencil eraser, but from what I understand ich looks more like salt-sized white spots. I've never had a case of ich before, so maybe that is what this is?
Tang is 2", swims all over picking at the LR, and doesn't rub against anything. He doesn't eat any greens I've put into the tank, and I've tried different methods for that...on the clip near the top of tank, on bottom of tank tied to a rock, etc. I've given him Seaweed Selects, lettuce, and spinach, but he just ignores it all. He eats the flakes and frozen foodstuffs readily enough and otherwise appears healthy.
When I first got the tang, he had a couple of these smaller sized spots on him, but now he has more. They are near his gills, along his body, and even on the fins.
I'm tempted to wait and see what happens, as he doesn't appear stressed. Thought I might try this whole garlic thing and see what happens. What do you think? Could it be ich or is it maybe something else?
Other tank inhabitant is a Diana Hog, but it appears to have none of these white splotches. 37g qt tank (has LR in it atm). ammonia, Nitrite are 0, Nitrate is 10. PH 8.2, SG 1.022


New Member
Ok, got home and checked them out. There are quite a few new salt-sized white specks on the tang plus the larger spots. I'm guessing that the larger spots might just be a concentration of ich? Course, that's just a guess.
I'll begin treating the fish for ich, as I'm pretty sure now that's what it is.


lower your salinity and treat for ich tangs get ich just by looking at them specaly hippo tangs i got one about 4 inches and he is nothen but trouble he spends more time in the hospital then my display tank i am thinking about just keeping him there good luck


Hi Panther.It does sound like ick or it could be marine velvet.Either way since its in a quarantine tank,treat it with copper.Make sure its gills do not become infested with it because of the worries of suffication.If they get too bad and he starts breathing heavy,I would give him a freshwater bath.