White Sponge?


Active Member
I have something growing in several places in my tank which looks like white spongy material. Could it be a white sponge?
Anybody else have this stuff?


I have several, I don't know what type they are, but they just sorta sit there and do nothing.


Active Member
I have the same in my tank within the rock work. I beleive it is some sort of sponge, maybe someone else can provide more info on the species type.


Active Member
they are just common little ball sponges. they dont get much larger than 1 inch in diameter, and comein many colors including yellow and white. a great indicator of water quality, and maturation
good luck


Active Member
Jon; thanks for the input. I had one that was closer to the front of the tank and used my magnifying glass to get a better look. Looked like it had several tubes coming out of the white mass. Mass spread over an area of 1.5".
Do sponges have more than one tube coming out of them?
I was wondering, could it be some type of tunicate?


New Member
My tank recenty began to grow new white specs. As they grew it was easy to see that they had a q-tip head and two small fan like projections. They also have an open end where the small projections came out. After some investigation, I found posts with photo's that showed the new growts to be q-tip sponges.
The details were hard to tell from your photo.
Best of Luck,



Originally posted by jonthefb
a great indicator of water quality, and maturation
good luck

Nice! My tank is only about 2 weeks old and I have some of these growing on my LR. I was wondering what they were. They seem to be growing.