White spot on clownfish


I got two wild percula clownfish from saltwaterfish.com. My qt tank had a heater malfunction so I acclimated them to my DT. They are the first fish to go into my DT.
I noticed yesterday that one of them had a small protruding white spot kind of by the side of his head. He still has it today but it has not grown any and it has not visably spread. Both of them ate frozen brine and selecon tonight.
I am not for sure what to do. Should I take them out and reacclimate them to my QT(bought new heater) which would be a sg change from 1.025DT to 1.020QT? Then treat them? or should I wait and see if the white spot progresses any? I do not want to cause any undo stress but I don't want it to spread quickly and not be able to treat.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

belly up

my clown has the same thing, but he has two right next to each other right by his gills. i am completely stumped?


I would put them back into your QT and leave them there for atleast 1 month that way if it is in fact Ich your DT will not have anything to host to. But it very well could by lymphocystis


i agree with quads. get them into the QT and keep them out of the DT for 30 days. If your DT is already infected, the 30 days will prevent infecting future occupants.


Active Member
Sounds like ich. Do what everyone else said. Reacclimate the clowns into the QT and perform hypo and keep the clowns in a lowered salinity for 3 weeks. Also make sure your DT is fishless for 6 weeks to make sure the ich has died off in there too.


I hope this does not sound to crazy but the white spot is gone. The clowns are eating formula one flake and frozen brine w/ selecon. They are awesome, I will have to post some pics. Little excited, first saltwater fish.
Should I leave them and wait and see how they do or still switch them to the QT?


Active Member
My clown got two of those at one time and they both went away in a few days. I think mine had to do with injuries from substrate. She digs around the anenome like a mad woman.