White spot on Kole Tang


I just noticed a white spot on one of the fins (sorry I don't know the fins by name, the one on the lower, right, front). It is a soft transparent white about 2mm in dia. on a fin that is about 1 cm X 1.5 cm. It’s not a white dot like Ick. Also it seems to have transferred or started to spread to the body where the fin folds up next to the body and the white spot is in contact with the body. As soon as I can get a picture I will post it. In the mean time does this sound familiar to anyone and if so what is the treatment?


Active Member
How long has it been there. The reason i ask is because i see my fish with similar spots on their body every now and again and it always turns out to be some sort of sand or waste or something that got caught on them temporarily.....
If not then its some sort of parasite/bacteria that has infected their fin/scales.... What it is i don't know. But there are common treatments out there for most external disease from what i've read so far of things.