White spots on glass & slug looking thing


Hi! I have had white spots on my glass. The center is about the size of a pencil tip with little leg type things all around it. Any idea what these are?
Also, there was a white slug or snail out its shell (about 1/2" long) looking thing on the glass today. Any thoughts? I have tried to take pictures, but they are to small.
Thanks for your help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Becky913
Next time I see the little mystery slug thing i will try to get a pic. But are the worms ok to have?
yes there very common, they could even go away as the tank matures


ahh! i have the same thing! my tank is almost 4 months old now. i just noticed them two days ago!!! they are everywhere!
little white center with a bunch of legs... almost looks like a microscopic starfish, but I see they might be worms???? are they worms?!
Are they bad?


Active Member
oh my i just sit down on my computer to ask someone what these might be. just like described little white dots with what looks to be legs all around them should i wipe them off with the mag cleaner or leave them?


Active Member
Hydriod(?) jelly.
a phase new tanks go thruogh. :scared: I have them also. My tank is 3 1/2 months. They will sting your snails.
I watched one of my snails just a movin along and waited to see if it would eat it. Just as it ran into it it retracted that side and quickly moved away. :mad: They will eventually decrease as your tank matures. :jumping: I clean them off my glass, but they will be right back in a few hours. I do it just to make sure thier not happy.
There has been lots of threads on these.


Active Member
did a search and that is definatly what they are ty. hope they go away soon. is it a good thing to have them or bad?


Active Member
I'm know expert, I'm a newbie too. I have heard they will eventually go away and you just have to wait it out and try to keep you water good.
Maybe it has to do with Nitrates? Maybe you can search on here and see some of those threads about them.


It sounds like what you are describing is some sort of copepod, which is just fine...good even, especially if you have any aspirations of keeping a mandarin. My tank exploded with them about the same time frame as you are seeing them in yours. Just a possibility.
The slug thing could also be a nudibranch, which if you have zoos, could be a disaster. I had a nudibranch invasion in my tank, and it took forever to get rid of all of them, and it basically wiped out two colonies of zoos I had.

mx mr bean

I used to have the little white spots all over my glass and eventually they dissapeared to my knowledge they did not cause any damage to my fish or corals so i did not mind them. i have also had a little snail out of its sell similar to yours. he lives in the rocks and i used to periodically see him come out and scrounge around for algae. sometimes he would even squirt out this white film that would dilute into nothing in the water. i havent seen him tho for 4 months so they may just eventually dissapear