White spots on glass


HELP !!! Over the past 2 months, I have noticed small white spots appearing all over my tank glass. I actually have to scrape it off the glass with a scraper. They are hard and are hard to remove. They atarted appearing after our recent hurricane came through town. I did a 20 gallon water change, and I still have to scrape my glass every week or so. All of my fish appear to be fine. Very active , hardy appetites.
I have a 37 gallon tall FOWLR my water parameters are perfect.
what can this be?


do they look like a spiral worm? white and like a crustacean? could be good they usually get on the back glass though?????


Yes, they are mostly on back glass, but I have noticed them all over rocks but not on fish... They are spirals up close


Yes, they are mostly on back glass, but I have noticed them all over rocks but not on fish... They are spirals up close


Yea Most Likely Tube Worms No Harm And As Long As They Aren't On Fish. Seems Like You Might Have A Estblished Aquarium. Good Luck


Active Member
They are spirorbid worms. Very common. Use the search and you should find lots of info
Just keep scraping them off as needed, but in time their numbers will probably die down. They are a common "bloom" animal.


Active Member
Yup, spirorbid worms...nothing to fret about. I was told when I posted about my tank having the same thing, that they're a sign of a healthy system. I just left mine (on the back and sides), and they are slowly diminishing. Good job!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Great...because my wife asked tonight what were all the white spots and I said I didn't know but someone asked recently on this board. Glad to see the response and yes most of mine are on the back glass.