White spots on live rocks.


So I cleaned my rocks with a tooth brush cause it had some red slime on it and I added some new rocks, but now I see some white spots on my rocks and some of it rubs off but it almost looks like I rubed some stuff off is that what happened? Ill take some pictures tommrow.


when coraline algae dies, it turns white. you didn't rinse the rock with fresh water did you?


my guess is dead coraline. it doesn't last long out of water. unless you held the rock under water the entire time you were scrubbing, then some probably died. it's also possible that the red slime on the rocks choked out the coraline, and you didn't see the remains of the coraline algae until you scrubbed the slime off.
a picture would, however, help to answer in absolute certainty.


Thanks man thats what happened. Cause I remember I was cleaning it out of the bucket for a few seconds so that probally how it died. I read here to clean it in salt water I just thought it wouldn't be that big of a deal to have it out of the water for 15-30 sec's my bad, but thanks for the help. :)


it shouldn't be a big deal. coraline will regrow in a healthy system.
there is actually a line in my tank where coraline doesn't grow. it's on the top couple of inches of the tank, because that is how much is exposed to air when i do 10% water changes.


Thanks for helping new people online Ill catch some other time when I have another question. I don't like asking my LFS cause they look at me like IM an idiot or the others don't no what I want to know.


Active Member
I find that my corraline is a good indicator that my calcium level may be low. When I fail to test every week, like I should, and my corraline takes on a different color I instantly start testing. Boy, they sure don't give you a break!!I have alot of coral in my tank which uses up a lot of the calcium, then add the macro algae, I find that I am constantly testing for something.
As far as scrubbing your rock, I too did that when the red slime was out of control, but I have found that if you keep the calcium level up,as well as the alkalinity, the corraline will regrow quickly.