White spots on my powder blue tang


i have a powder blue tang there are white spots on the face fins and body of the fish, it happened before but it cleared up, what is it should i add something to the water to clear it up. in the tank is 175 lbs of lr yellow tang pacific blue tang, mandrin, damsel blue and domino, clown fish, cleaner schrimp water l
evels test normal,


What else do you have in the tank? rock/ coral/ inverts. If you have any of these there is not much you can do in the tank. All the stuff on the market that is surpose to be reef safe is just a waste of money. The best thing you can do is to get a hospital tank set up for treating sick fish. Is the blue tang still eating you could try garlic. I feed garlic to my fish once a day and so far they have been healthy. It is not a proven cure but known to help. This is just my opinion. You can do a search. I would not recomend doing any type of diping it will only stress out the fish more.


I have a hippo that got ich pretty bad she still ate though so I soak her food with garlic everyday feed emerald entries mixed with enriched brine 2 times a day and as much nori as she wanted she pulled through no more spots and is growing. She now takes food away from the bigger sf tang. I also have a uv sterlizer although not sure that is what helped but something did.