White spots on tank glass


Alright, I have been meaning to ask this for a while now. How can I stop the hard white spots from growing on the glass of my tank. It looks like my glass has ick. They look terrible with my black background and they are a pain to get off. What is causing this and is there an invert/fish that will eat what every it is? What is it?
Please help!!

mandarin w

Sounds like coral line alge.
Use a cleaner magnet to clean your glass everday. Also get one of those glass scrappers. It is a little razor blade thing. This will scrap it off fairly easily if it isn't left to build up to much.


There is also a small protozoa that will attach to the glass and secrete a calcium shell.. Looks like white dots. I can't remember the name of them though right now. Totally harmless... I have quite a few on the glass of my 125.


I just let the ones in my tank alone. I scrape them off the front and sides of the tank but thats it.. They come off easily with a magfloat.


spiroloid worms (spelling) i think... harmless filter feeders - you'll have to scrape em off - i kinda like how they look though kinda reminds me of a starry sky


Here is what I found, they could be foraminifer, commonly called foram... This little protozoan fellow secretes a calcium carbonate shell that will appear as a little white dot on the glass of the tank. I have some on my powerheads, and glass.


Active Member
they are a kind of tube worm form my knowledge. i asked my lfs cus i have them EVERYWHERE..! they said tht means your tank is healthy :cheer: