white star polyps????


Wwere should I place them??? Do they like lots of light, water movement??? Eny personal exp., w/ these? Also how long before they open up. Have been in tank now for three days. Oh yes, one more question, will they multiply, and move about????


never heard of or seen white ones but that doesnt mean that they are not out there. I have pink and green ones if they are true star polyps then they will spread the same as the green. not sure how fast though. they dont actually move they encrust the surrounding area and grow new stalks. they can take awhile to open up till they are sed to the enviroment. were they open at the store when you bought them? if you can when they openup get a picture of them I would like to see them.
here is a pic of my pink that I have


Thank you, yes they looed just like that at one time!!! 1/4 open now, if that... Sorry no pic.... I guess if you really look at the few I have they are more greenish in color.


here are my green ones
the pink ones have shorter stalks then the green and they arent as clsely packed together., I havent had mine in the tank very long but seem to spread about the same as the green ones

nm reef

Active Member
Care is very basic in my opinion. Quality water conditions...moderate current and decent lighting...in those conditions they will thrive. Some folks even complain that they do too well and become pests!I keep a small colony surrounded by some frilly 'shrooms that keep mine in check...one of the shrooms has actually spread to the rock the polys are attached to.