White thingies on tank sides


New Member
I'd take a pic if could but can't,so i'll descibe as best as i can.I have white "thingies" on my tank sides.They are the size of a pin head,with little tenticles.I have a crapload of them and just started showing up yesterday.What are they,and are they good?Thank you saltwater gods


New Member
They don't appear like that.They don't as far as i can see have a body like that.They seem to be pinhead balls with 3 or 4 tiny tentacles


New Member
What will eventually happen?Take over tank,cause they is a lot of them.I have 2 percs,a purple dottyback,yellow headed goby,some turbo snails, and a bunch of happy little crabs,peppermint shrimp.Will they eat theses?


Relitivly new tank I presume. If they are hydroid jellyfish then I've gone through it before, its just a phase, in about a week or two you won't see them anymore.


Active Member
JMO, if they suddenly showed up by the "crapload" yesterday, then they are more likely to be what Thomas has shown...which are most commonly described as "dots with legs." The beast is called Staurocladia oahuensis The starfish mention, Asterina, is about the size of a nickel, and (though they reproduce well in our tanks) reproduce relatively slowly by comparison.


I yield to more experienced judgement. Ophiura's advice is usually very good and i have seldom found any reason to dispute it.


Active Member
Ok been there done that all tanks have this but most tanks dont reveal them.what I have read and trust me I had to do alot of surfing to find this out I cant remember what they are called but those are caused by higher amounts of food waste in you water the more waste to feed upon the more they will spread they do any damage or harm to your fish but they are ugly as sin cut down on your food a bit if your feeding twice a day drop down to once a day for a while se how that works for you if they are al over your rocks and plants you can do a wash fresh water wash on your live rock this will kill what ever is on the surface scrub them off basicly it may take a while to get the life back into the rocks to apear again I had to also do this .scraping them off the glass daily makes it look nicer but your basicly moving the things around.


Whoaa killer, slow down a bit. Let icepenguin first follow the advise of Thomas and ophiura. And maybe, just maybe, take your advise as a last resort.


Active Member
JMO, indeed, but my experience is like Thomas'. I've seen them turn up and just as quickly disappear. I consider them somewhat of a bloom animal...I've seen them here and there. Turned up in an LFS system I worked on but were gone pretty soon. Now I reckon they could become some plague, but I am much more likely in this hobby to take this slow and sure instead of drastic (unless measures warrant it - eg someone has parasitic cirolanid isopods or something...but when a small crustacean comes out, bites you and draws blood as well as kills all your fish, well that is reason to act a bit faster). Things crawling around on the glass at this time are not reason to nuke your LR $$$ with fresh water.
However, cutting back on feeding may be good advice for anyone. Often new tanks are overfed so it is worth questioning that...but I don't think it is a critical thing in regard to this issue.
A picture is also helpful....but I know these would be difficult.
But "dots with legs" are generally these things -
"Tiny ants on glass" are generally copopods (they can usually be seen moving) -
"Tiny hard spiral things" are the worms Thomas showed above -
These are probably the top three small white things people suddenly see on the glass.