White Things Growing on LR


I've noticed these white barnacle looking things growing on some of my LR and on some of my snail shells. Any ideas what it could be?


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
if there in a spiral may be small feather dusters
They are in a spiral...could they be anything else? If they are feather dusters wouldn't I see the duster? This is not a bad thing...right


Active Member
Originally Posted by estein02
They are in a spiral...could they be anything else? If they are feather dusters wouldn't I see the duster? This is not a bad thing...right

if they are spiral, they are probably spirobid worms, very common in new tanks...harmless.


Originally Posted by Scotts
Check out post number 6 on this thread. https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/showthread.php?t=205613

Originally Posted by MonaLisa

if they are spiral, they are probably spirobid worms, very common in new tanks...harmless.
That looks like what they are...thanks. The post that Scotts pointed me to states that thes usually disappear as tanks mature and water quality improves. I maybe misunderstanding, but my water quality has been very good, but I guess that is different from mature water. How long does it typically take for a tank to fully mature. Is there anything I should do?


Active Member
You have no worries. Just look at them as a sign that your tank is headed down the right path.


Active Member
i got worried,i thought the same thing when i started to get them. they covered the back of my tank, but mine were feather dusters. i could see the feather parts. and all were not spirals. some grew straight or on weird angles but were very much feather dusters.


I see lots of green on your rock as well... how long is your lighting cycle? Do you have your lights on a timer?


Originally Posted by Robdog696
I see lots of green on your rock as well... how long is your lighting cycle? Do you have your lights on a timer?
I've got the actinics on for 8 hours and the daylights on for 5, and they are on a timer. Is the green bad? It doesn't look like the green type of nuisance algea...more like coraline.


Active Member
Agree with Oceanside. Just normal algae that will be controlled by stuff in your tank. In fact have you looked at your tank at night after the lights have been off for a couple of hours. I have thounds of itty bitty snails that come out and work on the algae.
BTW that algae is not coalline, but when you get coalline on that rock it will take over and no more green algae. Once again, you are on the right path.


The bright green stuff that is in the picture is really only growing on my tonga branch. I do have some darker nuisance algea that the snails are eating, but I don't see them being able to eat this stuff. It seems harder, more like a coraline algea then anything else. Totally different then the algea that I have seen my snails eat.


Originally Posted by estein02
hope this helps...
I want to ressurect this a little because I am not certain that these are spirobid worms. I have these little white-ish looking critters scurrying all over the LR, between the PHs and the glass and on the back of the glass. I believe that they are munnid isopods. Could these white things be the isopod eggs?


Active Member
no, the isopod eggs you wouldnt see with out a microscope. I agree they are spiroboid worms. they come, then they eventually mostly go, I still have some on the undersides of rocks here and there but they are a phase comes and goes faster from some than others definatly not anything to worry about IMO


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
no, the isopod eggs you wouldnt see with out a microscope. I agree they are spiroboid worms. they come, then they eventually mostly go, I still have some on the undersides of rocks here and there but they are a phase comes and goes faster from some than others definatly not anything to worry about IMO
So far it seems like these things have mostly stayed and multiplied in my tank as have the isopods. Does it have anything to do with water quality? I believe mine is good as the inverts, zoos and few fish that have seem to be doing very well. I am currently using tap water, but I am going to start doing my water changes with RO tomorrow (found a reputable store in the area that sells it until I can save enough to get an RO or RO/DI unit). Even though they are harmless could the tap water be causing it or is that totally unrelated?