I noticed last night that the tips of my macro algae in the refugium are turning a transparent white color. What's going on here? Natural die off? Bad water conditions? Time to get new lights?
could somehting in there be eating them....watch it carefully because if the whole strand turns transparent, the algae either went through its sexual cycle ((shoulndt happen cause you are running your lights 24/7, or it is dying off for some reason, either way if it starts to decmpose rapidly, get it out or it will leach nitrates and stuff back into the tank!
good luck
I'm not sure of the name of the algae but it is very long and about a 1/2 inch thick. Kinda resembles very thick crab grass.
If something were eating it wouldn't there be bites out of it? Just like when an insect eats a leaf? I do have some Ilynasa Obsoleta (those false nassarius) snails in there.