White Worms and Aiptasia


I currently acquired a 8 g Biocube that my brother law was not taking care of. I have a clownfish,hermit crab, two crabs, and since the tank really had a bad aiptasia problem i bought two peppermint shrimp and joes juice, i killed off all the big ones, but the peppermint shrimp seem not to be paying any attention to the aiptasia. I also have a couple off small bristle worms, i removed the big ones, these worms are pink with white bristles(good or bad?) and also have white worms that are all over this one rock they look like little pieces of string swaying in the water, should i buy a six line wrasse to add to my tank? Oh and by the way the tank has been running for a year nothing has died yet. I tested the water and everything was fine the ph was between 8.2 and 8.4.And the tank is completely stock, any opinions,

bang guy

IMO a Sixline is a little too active to thrive in an 8 gallon. There's no problem with Bristleworms, the vast majority of Bristleworm species are helpful or at least harmless.
The white worms sound like a Terebellid (Spagetti Worm). They are a very beneficial species of Bristleworm. They typically live in a hole in the rock and send their tentacles out to gather detritus.


What if its bad they kind of look like this but smaller. So six line wrasses so what should I add?
I was also thinking about adding a cleaning crew and ideas?


bang guy

I can't be 100% without a good closeup of the head but that worm looks like a beneficial species to me.

bang guy

Originally Posted by ddiaz386
well its seems like they are spreading is that a good thing?

The population is normally self limiting based on food availability. If you're not overstocked or overfeeding then the population of these worms will stabilize at a good level.

nano wave 9

i got the same problems with the aiptasia on my rock, there fore i got two peppermint shps. what i did i asked in my lfs if they can put the shps on hold for 3 days with out any food. i just let the shp on my tank and most of the aiptasia are gone in one day. if you can put your shimp in a different tank for couple of days with out food it will be better for you in order to have success with the shp also buy one more peppermint shp do best in pairs. here some pic of my tank with the aiptasia.
I currently acquired a 8 g Biocube that my brother law was not taking care of. I have a clownfish,hermit crab, two crabs, and since the tank really had a bad aiptasia problem i bought two peppermint shrimp and joes juice, i killed off all the big ones, but the peppermint shrimp seem not to be paying any attention to the aiptasia. I also have a couple off small bristle worms, i removed the big ones, these worms are pink with white bristles(good or bad?) and also have white worms that are all over this one rock they look like little pieces of string swaying in the water, should i buy a six line wrasse to add to my tank? Oh and by the way the tank has been running for a year nothing has died yet. I tested the water and everything was fine the ph was between 8.2 and 8.4.And the tank is completely stock, any opinions,