Hi AW, This is one person that your words have no confusing what if your in the knowing of what your talking about or not, for sully is correct that eels will not die as you say or said and then you attempt to change your story in what it was that you said in the first place.
I was the one who told sly at grims that his lionfish will be eaten and as little as you know in all this, his stonefish was running for its life as well for it too has no defense once killed. In -- there was a talk about the mantis and bluering, we could had used your input/knowledge in what the discussion was all about.
There is only one marine species with no known enemy in the ocean in which is the killer whale and no matter what defense any other marine animal has, there is always those that could take them out. For such as the bluering, it can do nothing if it cannot get in close to bite its attacker.
I readied your post and it has much double talk in it, you try honestly to say things as if you were a marine professional. But in your short years, you honestly have no true success to speak of other then your a whitemouth for two years and the dme for a year.
As sully said, or I should say this better I think, if you were as this professional hobbyist as you let out here to be at the other swf members, one thing you would never done and that was run out on your B-day to buy two new fish and crowd the eels in the 90, This was very unprofessional.
As well, your post on curing LR or so, in all else you let out others to believe in your knowledge, if you had the knowledge you been allowing others to believe, you would known what to do on the LR question.
You want a debate as you told sully? I can give you this debate, we can question the other in showing what we both truly know. You know, like a debate running for the Presidency of the US. And it would be nice terms, no rudeness as you always shown.
Our debate will be on moray eel species, if you refuse, you would had then exposed yourself as the phony you are.
I seen the thread at grims on eel id pics inside by mantisshrimp and those first two pics are clear and I told someone else there what that eel species is.
I do hope in later years AW that you become the true person you are and stop pretending to be something your not. As well have the same fish for years and not just up to a year or so. For just having a fish not means that you still have it today for all those fish the people see with the eels there are no more, you lost them
As sully had said, too many other hobbyists had lost a lionfish too their eel and not once did any eel shown any ill effect. And one other thing AW, I never told anyone to go search in google or too look back for there answer in some other thread, for if I cannot find that thread for that person, it would then only been right to had answered the question of the topic and not leave the person wondering where he/she will get their info from or suggestions.
I see from the time I been trying to tell you of the many species of morays and of their ability to take some fish when hungry enough has been proven by you to been a waste of time. And please don`t offer here any double talk, I'm no beginner.
I know what you had experienced within your tank(s) for it isn`t true when you said that. You cannot answer on the many eel and fish questions that you never had and least enough kept alive for many year in which you not done up to now other then two eel for 2 & 1 year. There are so many other hobyists who had their eels for a lot longer as well as their fish.
It is unprofessional as well to call the blackedge moray psychotic, for each marine species is giving something different then the other and some as nearly equal to the other for aggressions as at different levels with many morays.
And perhaps you can tell me why you just not said that long term with a whitemouth and blackedge morays will never last long term that the blackedge in time will kill the whitemouth?? And remember who this is who is telling you this. The only way the whitemouth can kill the blackedge is if you buy it so much smaller.
Also you told blizz75 that to be "very careful with tankmates, tho...especially with the Black Edge." That is not a correct answer to offer one who wishes a blackedge moray.
Im sure AW that you had seen my thread on housing a blackedge with a Fimbriated Moray and this if bliss75 like to listen in how this will work, I would be more then happy to do this. Only one thing bliss75, you must follow what I say on this to the letter if your to be successful. And if you can do this within a 240?
If I not said this, your picture which you posted is about a year old. Do you accept too a debate?
Dragon Moray Eels ><{{{{">