Whitespots Come and Go on Fish


Active Member
Sometimes I see a few small whitespots on my powderblue tang, they look like ich spots, but then a day or two later they disappear.
Are these really ich spots that the fish fights off or is it something else?
FYI - I also have a UV sterilizer that may kill the ich.


Do you have cleaner shrimp? do you soak food in garlic? do you soak in vitamons? I ask these questions seimply because these are all things that can help fish with parasites. I have a flame angel and usually at night I will see a few spots on her tail. I feed with garlic soaked foods and well as vitamins. I also have cleaner shrimp so I think that this is why my flame is able to fight the parasite on its own so far. Just some food for thought.


Active Member
Yes I Have all the things you mentioned above. If it's really ich and he's fighting it off, then I'm very happy that he's built an immunity to it :D

who dey

Active Member
mine will get the same spots late at night and then they are gone in the morning. as far as i'm concerned it doesn't seem to bother him and he still eats like a pig!!!!


Active Member
well once ick gets to a cirtain size, it will drop off and multiply... but since it appears and is gone by the next day, i think the cleaner shrimp is probalby doing his job.


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Could be sand too....My blue hippo hides in between rocks and comes out all sandy...scared the crap outta me one day i come down and see him all covered, im like OMG, then after watching him for a bit, they fell off as he darted around...then one day i saw him do it...go into a rock wiggle around made a little sand storm and came out all sandy...