Whitespotted Toby with Dwarf Lions?


I bought a Whitespotted Toby on the 30th. The outlet going to my 20 QT stopped working, I am still not sure why. I put him into my 15 long with a pair of Maroon clowns that I was growing out. I have had the Maroons for almost a year. They couldn't go into the display because the male was still VERY small. He was about and inch and a half to two inches. The puffer chewed on his fins a few days ago. The female had done that before and they grew right back. I didn't think anything of it. I found him dead two days later. I came home from work and he was dead with all of his fins chewed off. He was so healthy but was very small. The female has a clay pot decoration that she would never let the male into. She hangs out in there most of the time. The male was not aggressive at all. She is. Tonight I saw one bite mark in her tail. I am now concerned about putting the puffer into the display with my Fuzzy and Zebra. There are no rocks in the QT right now. I am performing hyposalinity. This particular puffer didn't have ich but some others on the same system did. I have roughly eighty pounds of rock in the 55. That may help. Tell me if anyone has had issues with a Whitespot and their lions. I can move the 20 and set that up for him if I cannot get the outlet to work. I am not risking my lions. I don't know if I am being overly cautious or if it will be alright. I am not willing to risk my lion's fins though. Please share any stories with Dwarf Puffers and Dwarf Lions.


No the puffer will destroy you lion and eat all his fins.Do not put him in with your lions.Take him back to the store.


I have a lion with my porc. puffer and no problems at all. I think it is all dependent on the personality of the puffer and the size of the tank. I have owned fresh, brackish, and SW puffers, each one of them had a different temperment. The more aggressive ones I have always had to take out, otherwise they will kill your fish...


This puffer does not seem overly aggressive. He is curious though. There isn't a lot of decoration in the QT. He pecks at the growth on what is in there all of the time. My female does not seem to be bothered by him so far, other than the one bite.


Since their is not a lot of decoration the the puffer may just be nipping out of boredom..

I would certainly watch it once it goes into the DT for a few days, then you can decide for yourself if it is too nippy..If so, take it back for an exchange, though i'm sure for less than what you bought it for since its been 2 weeks now, or try selling it on here or thru your local reef club.


I have a dogface and a V. lionfish and never had any problems. Then again with saltwater anything can happen.


Originally Posted by jp30338
Since their is not a lot of decoration the the puffer may just be nipping out of boredom..

I would certainly watch it once it goes into the DT for a few days, then you can decide for yourself if it is too nippy..If so, take it back for an exchange, though i'm sure for less than what you bought it for since its been 2 weeks now, or try selling it on here or thru your local reef club.
It may be boredom. He is constantly on the move. That is why I wanted other's experiences with the mix. I was certain that he was a good addition, he may still be. I will keep him either way though, I can set up another tank for him if need be. He still has two weeks of hypo left so I have time to decide. I appreciate your response


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
This puffer does not seem overly aggressive. He is curious though. There isn't a lot of decoration in the QT. He pecks at the growth on what is in there all of the time.
He is eating (or trying). I honestly think my Blue Spotted Sharpnose pecks at the LR more then my Leopard wrasse. Not sure exactly what he's eating, but can only assume the standard, pods, worms, etc.
IME, the personailty of dwarf puffers is very different from large puffers. They never really seem to 'connect' to you. The way a Porcupine gets all excited and starts splashing around see you, or the way a Spiny Burrfish will follow your finger around the tank. A dwarf puffer, is just more 'of a fish,' if that doens't sound too rough. Sure, they come out when it's feeding time, etc, but I've hand trained almost every one of my larger fish, and the Blue Spotted hasn't showed the slightest interest.
That said, they aren't a 'mean fish' in anyway. They have no problems with new additions, and never boss around other fish. I would think if the Toby did nip, it probably was mistaken identity.


Thanks Aquaknight, I appreciate your input. I didn't think he was a bad choice to go with my other fish. It did make me nervous when the small maroon died though. The puffer had nipped his fins off and they were completely gone when I found him. The female still only has the one bite in her tail. Maybe it was because the male was so small and didn't hide? I am not sure on that.


Active Member
Oh, I didn't see that they male was dead when you found him. Sounds like it may have just been coinciedence. The male maroon died for whatever right, then the puffer tried sampling his corpse. I had a Potters Angel that did great in QT, but didn't cut it in the display, and I found his corpse which definitely had been picked over. Is the bite on the female maroon definitely from the puffer, or could it be from the male, as the two clowns tried to establish their livelyhood?


The male and female had been together for about a year. He was very healthy and has never nipped the female. The bite on the female appeared after the male had died. They were still in the QT because the male was too small to go in with the lions. I didn't want to separate them. I am certain that the puffer is nipping. I haven't seen another bite on the female so I don't know if it was just because the puffer was new or bored, as was mentioned, or if this behavior will continue.


My son observed him all evening while I was at work. He bullied the female Maroon, forcing and keeping her in a corner. Her tail is all chewed up tonight. I think he has to go. I will be picking up a divider tomorrow so she doesn't end up like her smaller mate. I had read quite a bit on puffers and knew that they were nippy but so many people have had success keeping them with lions. All I can say is that I am very glad that I found this out before he went into the display.