Who are and what is the "Tang Police"


Active Member
I think they're "swimming with the fishes"...
Well probably not...all his fish were dieing...



Originally posted by lovethesea
You wonder if the plant family will ever be found. If so, they will be covered in calurpa. :eek:

I'll give you a clue, swamps run deep in Alabama


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
I'll give you a clue, swamps run deep in Alabama

Speaking of police, I think Thomas is the chief of the anemone police.


Active Member
There was the Stacey bust a couple months back. I personally was in charge of that one, Chief Officer on that one, lol. Anything that you can get people hyped about is enough, but Tang police is one of the lasting ones, lol.


Although not a division of the police force, the Blue leg coalition helps to inform people of the perils of blue leg hermit crab ownership. Being a non-profit organization they don't have any fancy sirens on their posts and most don't wear uniforms.



Originally posted by scoobydoo
What's wrong with blue leg hermits?

They are more aggressive and can take over other hermit shells for the realestate.
They are the footpads of the culerpa smuggling ring, realestate racket :)


Active Member
Holy cow, the Blue Leg family has surfaced? They are a mean group, I witnessed them snatch a poor unsuspecting hermit right out of his house. Then the rotten mobster didn't even take over the house, he just took off for the rocks. :mad:
Needless to say once the crook was found he meet an untimely
move to another part of town. :eek:


The blue leg family is a rough bunch. Their colors don't run. Another family of brutal killers is the Whelk clan. They seem to blend in with the peaceful nassarius. They are contract killers that strike at night.


Active Member
I have one of them Blue-Leg families in my tank. Very strong, very brutal. I am witnessing amny hermits popping up now with snails shells:thinking: . INteresting. :thinking: . Led by the family head, named "Goliath". He is the biggest of the big. I witnessed a turf fight the other day between the 2 families. He ripped one right outta his shell. Two families of course. The original inhabitants, then the ones that have spawned.
. I dont care though. I have so many hermits, and snails, and they always spawn, and I got the hermits IN my lr anyway. Its just a little scary wen u witness a murder:eek:


Staff member
Gee-wiz, Kip, was just trying to be a bit lighthearted about it. Perhaps I should just delete my post so that we don't ruin the thread. Part of being a moderator is a willingness to abide by the BB's guidelines. :thinking: :thinking: Part of being a member in any hobby community is deciding if a particular BB is "for me" or not. :thinking: :thinking:


How can we forget one of the most notorius crime families of all. These guys are from the old country and and tough as nails.
Damsels, with the Dominio being the Godfather.
If a Dominio had a cirolanid isopod on it, I bet it would still try to intimidate it. The special police unit, DAM (Damsels Are Mean), tries to help tank cycling victims. Usually the DAM unit has to tell the hobbiest to cut their losses and empty the tank to eliminate Godfather Dominio and his henchmen.


you know alot of you guys have forgotten about the poop police. i think its a sud-division of another department. its kind of a black ops group lurking around waitting to strike like a cheeta on the savana


Active Member
How about the "NEWBIE POLICE"..:D
You know who you are...

Always jumping on someones first post with the Big "WELCOME " Banner..
And the little dancing Cheerleaders..:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Oh and what about the CAPITAL LETTER POLICE

Hey stop yelling at me :mad: