Who are your janitors?

Just interested what you guys have for a clean up crew..
I have a large, large (4", can get to 10"!) hermit, that needs to go back to the store, as i just found out they are very predatory and get to 10"..so ill be looking for something else to do the sweeping up..
Tank is 3ft, dwarf lion and SFE, any reccomendations on something to clean up?
Just wondering what you folkies use...


Active Member
I have several tanks. In my "True" aggressive I don't have anything for a cleanup crew. I have a moray that will literally tear apart anything that it can catch. I do have an 80 gallon with a small volitan lion, and ghost ribbon eel, along with inverts. In that tank I have cleaner shrimp, hermit crabs, and snails.


Active Member
You could always try a couple of snails & hermits. I don't think that your lion would bother them. Not sure if the eel would leave them alone or not.


In my experiences inverts in aggressive tanks equals fish that you don’t have to feed for a while. I have tried to put cleaner shrimp in my semi-aggressive 120 and 80% of the time there dead before they hit the sand. I have had some luck with turbo snails but some die for inexplicable reasons. About a week ago I added 10 hermits, now I have 6 and they all stay in the rocks and out of the open (I think its my trigger.)


I have 2 sally lightfoots they hide in the rock and work at night they sometimes works by day until the clown sees him and dives straight at him but he disapears into the rock for safety however the clown and the huma are only 2in
Well, thats the thing..the lion and eel arent actually AGGRESSIVE, they just eat anything they can get in their mouths...(though the SFE would probably leave small fish alone actually).
I think i might go for some smaller hermits..