Originally posted by fender How does anyone new ever get close?
jesus christ i didn't say i'm a complete ass hole to everyone new. i just said that i don't care what they think about me. i'm myself, and if you don't like it, then you're not my friend. if you're fine with it, then we'll talk.
You never tip waitstaff?
yes, i do. out of common courtesy. that's got nothing to do with what the waiter thinks about me.
Hold doors for people? Not even the old or disabled?
again, common courtesy. if i were old it sure would be nice if someone held a door for me.
obviously you hold doors for the old and disabled because you only care about what they think about you. that's pretty lame, and pretty shallow.
Do you disregard common courtesy?
read above.
Do you bathe/groom yourself? Why?
yes, because i would prefer not to stink. and being clean makes me feel better about myself. personal hygeine promotes good health. again, nothing to do with how people think about me.
If you are going out and no one you are close to will be around, do you bother to comb your hair, get dressed? Why?
yes, because if i was ugly and sh**ty looking, i would feel crappy. again, i couldn't care less what other people think of how i look. it's about how I feel i look, and it makes me happy knowing that i'm not dirty and ratty and hideous.
If you think about it, no one truly can say they don't care what other people think.
i just did.
I am sure that even those close to you would think less of you if you actually treated people you didn't know without thought or care.
no, probably not, as i am rather picky with friends, and those close to me feel the same way.