who cares...


Active Member
what other people think?
Not me....I think it is stupid going through life giving a dang about what another person thinks is cool or what is right.
Get over it every one has their own opinion. if you are worried about how other perceive you...you need to change your life...or live in a hut in the middle of the yukon....
now...do you care what others think?


Active Member
Of course I care what others think.......you would have no friends and no girl if you didn't. The fact you do care what people think is why they are around.
You can't please all people all the time, but.........

nm reef

Active Member
I care what other people think...but I don't dwell on it all that much. I try to go thru life without stepping on any toes and at the same time I try to be honest and respectful.
Sure ... I care what people think ...thats one reason I try to avoid foul language in situations where such language might be exposed to ladies and children!


I couldn't give a flying crap what someone thinks about me.
I only care what those close to me think, not total strangers.


Active Member

Originally posted by Meow
I couldn't give a flying crap what someone thinks about me.
I only care what those close to me think, not total strangers.

How does anyone new ever get close?
You never tip waitstaff?
Hold doors for people? Not even the old or disabled?
Do you disregard common courtesy?
Do you bathe/groom yourself? Why?
If you are going out and no one you are close to will be around, do you bother to comb your hair, get dressed? Why?
If you think about it, no one truly can say they don't care what other people think.
I am sure that even those close to you would think less of you if you actually treated people you didn't know without thought or care.


i really dont care what people think...however i live by "treat others the way you want to be treated"
that seems to work well for me.
i think aaron was talking about people who only make decisions based on what people will think of them and not haveing a mind of their own. i know people like that and you never know how that person really feels since they have no views of their own.
sometimes you have to look out for yourself regardless of how it effects others.


Originally posted by fender How does anyone new ever get close?
jesus christ i didn't say i'm a complete ass hole to everyone new. i just said that i don't care what they think about me. i'm myself, and if you don't like it, then you're not my friend. if you're fine with it, then we'll talk.
You never tip waitstaff?

yes, i do. out of common courtesy. that's got nothing to do with what the waiter thinks about me.
Hold doors for people? Not even the old or disabled?

again, common courtesy. if i were old it sure would be nice if someone held a door for me.
obviously you hold doors for the old and disabled because you only care about what they think about you. that's pretty lame, and pretty shallow.
Do you disregard common courtesy?

read above.
Do you bathe/groom yourself? Why?

yes, because i would prefer not to stink. and being clean makes me feel better about myself. personal hygeine promotes good health. again, nothing to do with how people think about me.
If you are going out and no one you are close to will be around, do you bother to comb your hair, get dressed? Why?

yes, because if i was ugly and sh**ty looking, i would feel crappy. again, i couldn't care less what other people think of how i look. it's about how I feel i look, and it makes me happy knowing that i'm not dirty and ratty and hideous.
If you think about it, no one truly can say they don't care what other people think.

i just did.
I am sure that even those close to you would think less of you if you actually treated people you didn't know without thought or care.

no, probably not, as i am rather picky with friends, and those close to me feel the same way.


Active Member
There is still an element of considering what others think of you in looking good, taking care of yourself, and common courtesy. Whether you want to admit it or not and it's not being shallow. If you did all those things without caring what others thought you would be selfish - simply doing things for other for you own gratification. Even in your statement that you're not a total A-Hole, you are concerned at some level that people not consider you one. If you truly didn't care you wouldn't be concerned with common courtesy.
I think fishtanker hit the nail on the head - it is not so much not caring what others think as it is not guiding your life by what people might think of you.


Okay little lesson here.
An act of civility or respect; an act of kindness or favor performed with politeness.
It's called treating others the same as you would want to be treated. It has nothing to do with hoping that in return they will like you.
How can you say that is selfish? Wanting to do things for other people because I know that they cannot do it for themselves is being selfish? Why can't you understand that I am saying that I don't do these things because I care about what other people think?
Ever stop to think that maybe all people don't think the same way that you do? Ever think that maybe some people have minds of their own?


Active Member
Calm down chief. Just a friendly discussion.
Seems I may have rattled your cage a little here. Perhaps I misjudged you and your care on how you're percieved is so important you have gotten a little fired up. I didn't think you'd care enough about what I thought to argue about it.
Oh and courtesy and care go together like love and marraige....


No, what got me fired up is that you are telling me what I think.
Caring about somebody else enough to show courtesy is a lot different than caring what people think about you.

cptn howdy

sheesh, we're gettin kinda analytical here. i don't do stuff for other's approval but i think i'm a pretty nice guy.


Active Member
I am not trying to tell you what you think and I am sorry if I came off that way - perhaps I was trollin a little :D . Just trying to get you to think about it a little deeper. One aspect of care/respect/courtesy is caring what the other person(s) thinks about you. It may be a very small aspect but it is still there on some level. People are very complicated things and motives are difficult to pinpoint, even when we are assessing our own behaviour.
Have you ever been embarassed? Ever felt shame? Or done something to avoid embarassment? Why? Think about it a little.


Embarrassment I can see. Although it has been a VERY long time since I was embarrassed over anything.. I am not embarrassed easily (goes back to me not giving a crap what people think)
Shame would be more feeling bad for hurting somebody, nothing to do with what someone thinks of you.


Active Member

Originally posted by Meow
I couldn't give a flying crap what someone thinks about me.
I only care what those close to me think, not total strangers.

thats exactly what i meant...
oh and sirenstorm or whateever...if you read through the whole post you would note my harsh sarcasm.
Tro.... Im not saying dont care in taking an active part in your community and your childrens lives etc. etc.
Im talking about how you feel people perceive you. Im talking ab out having a kick ass self confidence.
for example....My hair style is that messy got out of bed look and i always keep a five o'clock shadow....to have the lazy appearance. This man said boy you need a haircut and a shave....I said "and who are you?" just because i dont care what some stupid stranger says about me. I mean if my boss said the same thing of course i would shave.


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
Sure ... I care what people think ...thats one reason I try to avoid foul language in situations where such language might be exposed to ladies and children!

thats just courtesy....im not going to curse up a storm in front of small children or ladies.


Active Member
Go back and look at your prom picture with your suit and hair cut. You undoubtedly showered and brushed your teeth. Kind of a contradiction isn't it.
i dont dress to impress i dress to make my self feel good.
If i know i look like a million bucks....then i feel good. If someone says "hey that looks bad" i say...."well sir your opinion is just that an opinion, null and void in my mind."
hugo boss does it for me
hey tro can you shoot me an email?


Active Member
yes, because if i was ugly and sh**ty looking, i would feel crappy. again, i couldn't care less what other people think of how i look. it's about how I feel i look, and it makes me happy knowing that i'm not dirty and ratty and hideous.
and your a chick? riiiiiiight, all good lookin chicks care what other ppl think most of all other women.
obviously you hold doors for the old and disabled because you only care about what they think about you. that's pretty lame, and pretty shallow.
that is not the meaning of the word shallow, thats simply someones child that was raised with respect and manners, without a chip on thier shoulder


i have a habbit of only doing what is neccisary to help me. i really dont care what my boss or others think about me but if i need to bathe and wear clean clothes to get a good job then thats what ill do.
and yes im a sellout