Who Dimed Me Out to Red Sea!?!


Geez, I called red sea today to get a replacement for a defective prizm impeller and when I gave my name, the lady said "oh, YOURE the one who told everyone on the internet to call for free replacement motors?"
Guess Im not the only one having trouble with the rackety impeller magnet? Thanks alot guys!!
<img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


Staff member
The impeller magnet or the impeller itself? I got a replacement, or an "upgrade" on my impeller a few mos ago and told everyone here about it.
Why did Red Sea single you out?
BTW a funny thing happened with my prizm. I've always said that the prizm was very noisy, and that even after the replacement impeller it was less noise, but still noisy. Well, I just took my prizm off of my QT and put it on my reef tank and guess what? It is so quiet that I can only hear it [very faintly] if I stand right next to it. Funny, huh?


Not just the impeller plastic thing, but the magnetic cylinder. Ive been having problems with the impeller loudly bouncing up and down inside the motor chamber.
When I first had the problem, they sent me an entire motor, but now they said they'll only send out an impeller magnet since they;re getting so many calls. Its kind of funny, I just really felt on the spot when she recognized my name. Oh well, thats what I get for using my real name as my screen name. So Trusting... HA!


Originally posted by badkjb2:
<strong>all i have to do is call and the give me a replacement rotor?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Yup! And make sure to tell them that Chris sent you! :D


How quiet should they be? I have one, it's noisy, but doesn't bother me. At night, I can barely hear it in my room about 20 feet away. Also, if I have my bubble put up to just about the o-ring or above, I get a bunch of bubbles in my tank. Where do you all set yours?
hey bammbamm, you ask where the skimmer should be set?? i say set it in the garbage can where it belongs and eat your losses!! :D ;)


Active Member
I would never drop a dime on ya!
If someone at Red Sea or any company I was trying to get service from said that crap to me ..... Man I would have gone OFF ON THEM for sure.
I'd say " Yes , that was me who told everyone on the internet that your equipment was defective, and I have many other ways of communication available to me as well.
Then ask for FedEx expedited delivery ;)
Don't even get me started on what I've been known to yell into the drive thru speakers at fast food joints <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> :mad: <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" /> <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />
it ain't pretty <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


Staff member
Tell me, broomer, I need some good comments for those drive thru guys. I am about to go off on my closest Burger King. They get people to answer the drive thru who can speak English let alone understand it! For goodness sakes! And then get pissed off when I go inside and tell them that the order was wrong. I've had one even argue with me!


Now Beth, Unless you were on the other side of a drive thru window you would understand why they can be so bitchy. I didn't work at burgerking but we did have a drive thru where i worked and customers are a pain in the @$$. I worked at an ice cream place for 5 yrs throughout college and 50% of the customers in store or drive through suck! I do agree about the speeking english part though :) I mean waiting on @$$ hole customers every few min. for an 8 hour shift makes you want to beat someone over the head with a baseball bat!


Active Member
Awwww man ... now ya went and got me started. I said not to but oh well :p
I don't buy into the the old saying "the customer is always right"
I see it like this,
Customers may not always be right, and in many if not most cases, they are not. But as a customer service representative in ANY business, you should allow the customer to leave a dispute with the impression that you care, that you did everything possible that you could to please them, and that you want their business.
Sometimes you gotta suck it in, bite your tongue and put up with it. That's life in the big city.
If you have trouble doing this, then it's time for a change in jobs.
Anything other than this is unacceptable in my eyes, and I have been dealing with customers for over 20 years. Sometimes it's fun - sometimes it's not.
I know people make mistakes, especially if they are making minimum wage and cranking out cheeseburgers faster than you can say Micky Dee's, at the rate they must to keep up with the demand of the walk-in and drive thru customers.
Believe it or not - we eat at Wendy's about once a week. We are busy, sometimes we don't want to mess up kitchen, or are very tired, or just the fact we like that food. We order the exact same thing every darn time. It's $10.65 each time for two people.
I would estimate we spend over $500 bucks at that Wendy's each year ( hmmmm VHO lighting :) )
I say my order as clear as possible.
I speak very slowly and clearly.
I know the routine by now.
I see my order on the display screen thing at the drive thru. It's correct.
We pay
We drive home
We open the bag
<img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
No meat or cheese on the Single's with cheese. Nothing but bun ketchup mustard and a pale, sick looking stinky folded up pickle, and the sandwhich looks like you used it to shim your 100 gallon tank stand. Flat out SMASHED !
I went OFF !
Got in the car and drove back to the place.
Words were exchanged. Apologies accepted.
All new food at NO CHARGE, because by now the once hot french fries at home are looking like ice cold tater-cycles, and the ice in the pop has melted in the pop. Laws of thermal dynamics in action !
The person responsible for screwing up our order had a history of messing up. That person is no longer working at that Wendy's.
My luck - she'll show up at Taco Bell next week :(
p.s. From Prizm impellers to cold fries at Wendy's - sorry for getting off track <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Broomer5 - man just calm down. I'm not going to comment because i do agree with you but i also have my points that i would love to argue. This is just not the place. Oh and chrismilano is a good example of a customer being right and they shouldn't be pissed. They made the faulty equipment. if my prizm ever has a problem i'll call them and tell em you sent me.


Now Broomer, as a Wendy's store manager, I will not get upset. I tell ya what, everyone who thinks Fast Food is a low class job that you have to be desperate to have, I want everyone of you to walk in, fill out an application, and tell the manager who interviews you, I just want to work 2-3 hours a day. Only during rush periods. They will hire you in an instant. IF you can stay working there for one month then I applaud you!


Active Member
Hey I realize this is not a perfect world, and I don't expect perfection from anyone. I expect to get what I pay for though, and anything less than that IS unacceptable. Be it a skimmer impeller, fast food burger or a new car. There are several things that must occur for anyone to get my repeat business. The biggest one being treated with respect and if a mistake is made, then it's taken care of in a fair way to both parties.
I don't like the phase that many people use in the world these days .... and that phrase is "well that's good enough for now."
Normally, what this means is that the task at hand could be performed better, but for a lack of caring, interest or pride, many chose to just let it slide, and do a half assed job.
SweetJesus - I'm glad you didn't get upset - I was not taking pot shots at the fast food industry as a whole - only one particular instance that occured to me over 600 miles from your restaurant. Many people do a wonderful job if they have motivation, training and an incentive to perform well ..... AND they have managers that motivate, train and EXPECT nothing less than the best from their employees.
Done now ....... stepping down off my soapbox.

banded on the run

New Member
Wow i dont know what happened in all those replies but all i have to say is i will be calling red sea tuesday to get another impeller the 2nd in the last 2 months!


I got a good laugh from all of you!
Maybe Ill just shop for a remora!
Seriously, I checked out the bakpak/remora article - is the bakpak any better than the prizm because its rated for only 60 gallons.
I really just want something QUIET.
If I go with a $200 berlin will it be QUIIIEEETT?


My experience with Red Sea skimmers.
When I first got into the hoby I was starting to read alot of good thing about skimmers and how great they work especially for reefs. So I went out and purchased a Red Sea Berlin Airlift 60 for my 46 Gal. Well it never worked the air stone bubbled but not enough to get close to the collection cup. I left it for weeks without any noticible change someone tolled me to change the airstone so I did. No change, so I ate the purchase and chucked it up as rookie mistake. Then I found this forum and heard great things about the Red Sea Prizm skimmer perfect size for my need and the prize was right. I had this skimmer for about 5 months it skimmed great I did not mind the noise just as long as it was doing its job. Then I started getting this red slime algae problem and noticed that my skimmer was not skimming as it used to so I decided to take it out and make sure it was clean. When I did this I notice that I was not able to prime the water back into the motor was making noise but not working. I called Red Sea the first day I got a hold of some lady that said that she was not able to help to call tomarrow about this. So I called tomarrow that was today, and spoke to some guy he took down my info and said that he will ship me the motor no problem.
The moral of this story in my experience with Red Sea products is they are not that good but thier support was.
P.S. I went out and purchased a Remora ;)