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I have a 125 gallon long reef tank. It has 175 lbs of live rock. Currently I only have 5 fish in this tank. I have one small yellow tang, one clarkie, one clown and two scooter blennies. They are all doing well. I was wondering if I could add a angel of some sort and a purple tang? What else could go in there with these fish?
Thanks for you input.

mr . salty

Active Member
A purple will not get along with your yellow.But an angel or two would do..How about a school of chromis?? They are underrated in my opinion.I think they are really cool in a school.The way they change colors as they pass under the lights is like no other fish in the sea...Plus they are very NONAGGRESSIVE...How about inverts??? I have quite a few interesting inverts,and love to watch them as much as the fish...
[ September 08, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


Active Member
I have a pink tiped, several colonies of mushroons. And I got the clean up crew from here. Although all of my starfish are hiding. I did not think that you could put two angel fish together. There are lots of caves and hiding places. I also have 500watts of lights. My husband wants something big and interesting. Since he built the tank. Any ideas?

mr . salty

Active Member
I have a coralbeauty and a flame that coexist very happily in my 130..There is also a juvi emperor in there...I think I would shy away from adding anything too big.I tried that with an adult flagfin angel,and it just didn't work..Although it was a beutifull fish,This fish was BIG,and very high strung.It really upset the whole tank...


You might be able to add a hippo tang, which is a different shape from the yellow. They still may get into it, but most likely not. Mine have taken a liking to each other and even swim and play.


Active Member
A Hippo Tang would be cool. Also, how about angel fish. I know that I would like to have a coral beauty. Do you only get one? I would like to get a 6 line wrasse. Is this one two little? What kind of fish likes bubble coral? I want to get one of those. They look very cool. Does the yellow one need a couple of friends?
Thanks again.


A good rule of thumb with tangs is that you never try to keep two of the same species or two tangs that have a similar shape together. I maintain a 240 gallon fish only tank that I have three yellow tangs that do just fine together. If you were to add two more tangs at the same time, like a purple and a sailfin or some other species, that might work. You'll have to understand that they might fight a little at first, and that it could end badly... In a 125 you might want to stay with one species of tang, like the yellow. Or, you could trade the yellow and get a purple (if you could catch him!). Generally angels don't like other fish that have the same shape they do, or similar colors. You could probably get away with keeping a Queen angel with a Majestic, but at over $100 each, you wouldn't want to risk having one of them die. I believe it is best to keep only one "large" angel in a tank, but you can usually mix pygmy angels, as long as they don't look too much alike. A flame and coral beauty could live together fine. There are always exceptions, as each fish has his own personality. Some flame angels are bad about nipping corals/clams, others don't touch them.


Active Member
So, do you think that I could get another yellow along with the purple one? If I got the other two at the same time. I would really like to get a coral beauty. Would they go with a bigger angel if I scratched the tang fishes?


Possibly, but you need to be ready to remove them if they fight. They may not, but they could. Since the one yellow is there, he is going to be territorial about the tank. They will definately squabble a little at first, but might settle down in a 6 foot tank.