Who else got the stinkbutt virus that is going around?


Active Member
Well.......it isn't actually a virus I guess. It is a worm......which is just as bad. This is an anoying one.
I think it is called BlasterWorm or something to that effect.
It decides to make your computer reboot about every 3-10 minutes......just enough to annoy the freakin' heck out of me! :mad: It was also messing with my email and not letting me perform certain tasks.
I just got rid of it myself since the wonderful Norton Utilities had no luck. :rolleyes:
A fix for this PITA can be found here: Stinky Annoying Psuedo Virus Getter Ridder
Hope that nobody gets it but, I have a feeling that many of you will if you already haven't. I got it at work on two different computers and at home on two different computers. :eek:
Thumbs down.


Thanks Rye but I got a note on this today from Charter which is my cable company:
Dear Charter Customer,
As you may have heard on the news, many Internet users are experiencing
problems with their computers shutting down abruptly. This is not a
problem with Charter Pipeline service. It is the result of a computer
vulnerability and is being experienced by computer users around the
world. It is due to a computer worm that scans computers checking to
see if a setting on your computer, port 135, is open. If so, the worm
takes advantage of the computer and shuts it down.
If your computer has not been infected, you may go to one of the web
sites shown below to update or purchase anti-virus software or install
a patch to prevent infection.
Here is a Microsoft bulletin regarding this vulnerability:
Here is an update from Symantec:
Here is an update from McAfee:
For more information, please refer to this article in USA Today:
If your computer becomes infected and shuts itself down, you will need
to contact your computer dealer or support provider for assistance.


Active Member
BTW Wrassecal if you are out there.......
.........I have a strange feeling that this worm thing is why our smilies wouldn't work. ;)


Active Member
That's interesting Thomas.
I am glad to see that my internet service provider is helping out in that way. :rolleyes: :mad:


Active Member
You should also disable the Messanger service in Windows 2k and XP to stop an exploit that allows these worms to travel..
I too had to deal with it today. We have about 30 puters on my network at work and all had to be updated and fixed...
A firewall is also helpful to stop theses things from spreading..


Active Member

Originally posted by RyeBread
BTW Wrassecal if you are out there.......
.........I have a strange feeling that this worm thing is why our smilies wouldn't work. ;)

We got hit big time at work. One whole school in the college of Engineering had every one of their PC's down with it. We had 6 down. It hit mine and my laptop that a visiting prof was using. So I came home to work and d@m if my home pc didn't have it too. Luckily it wasn't to the point that it was shutting down windows yet so after 2 hours I had downloaded the microsoft patch ( I think the whole world was on that site) then went to Norton and downloaded the fix and sure enough I had it. My home PC had only gotten to the point where programs were timing out and not responding. Guess I got lucky at home, but I think you might be right about the smilies. Glad I got them back:) :D :cool: ;) :eek: FYI I have Cox at home and they use port 135.


Active Member
Oh yeah and I really feel for people who have it on their home PC to the point it's shutting windows down. How the heck are they supposed to get online to access the fix.


Active Member
Yeah, it's funny, here at my good ol' uni we got multiple e-mails over the last few weeks to protect our computers against that worm. But today (while no one's personal computer has been affected that I know of--since we all did the microsoft update when the university told us too) all the engineering school's servers were rebooted. It appears that while they reminded us scores of times they never bothered to protect their own servers :D


Active Member
LOL - makes me wonder what the heck they are teaching in computer engineering - they are supposed to take care of all CoE computers. Even the zip file virus got past them last month. Irritating when I can't get my articles ready for publication because every worm can get through the network.....:mad: