Who has a quirky fish?


I am new to the fun and games of triggers but I confess my undualte has turned me into a complete convert! I have had him now for about three months and his range of behaviours are amusing to say the least.
His biggest pet hate is to have the sand flat and level in his tank, the sand HAS top be in a dune formation in the middle of the tank and lord help you if you flatten it.
His second biggest foe is the suction caps on the heater. Im still not quite sure how he gets them off, but he seems to love swimming around (backwards!) with the suction caps in his mouth, reminds me of a dog with a bone!
I have tried to feed him live shrimp, which he tormented and hunted for a good week before finally eating them.
Has anyone else out there got a fish with quirk???


Active Member
Had a 10" - 12" Porc. Puffer that would swim to the top of the tank, turn upside down and let me scratch/rub his belly.
Also had a 15" Volitan Lion that would bob his head up and down, in the water and he also spit water at you.


Active Member
my bahama star will crawl to the top o f the tank and peel two of his arms way back until i feed him. then he goes on his way runnign around the tank!


Speaking of triggers.....................our undulated and pinktail are in love with each other.
Really I swear. They cuddle together all the time.
Our pinktail also spit at me,
three different times, because I was feeding the Undy and it pissed him off that he couldn't have any.
There are so many different behaviors to that these fish, too many to note.


Hello! We have a 10" Guinnea Fowl Puffer who comes to the surface when you open the canopy lid. Then, when you look into the tank, he pokes his head out about an inch or so and spits water at you. So, needless to say, I am always cleaning the sides of the tank after feeding time!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1ManAgain
Hello! We have a 10" Guinnea Fowl Puffer who comes to the surface when you open the canopy lid. Then, when you look into the tank, he pokes his head out about an inch or so and spits water at you. So, needless to say, I am always cleaning the sides of the tank after feeding time!
I will throw in a ghost shrimp and my niger trigger will chew it up, spit it back out, then eat it. :scared: :notsure:


My dog faced puffer spits at me when he's hungry.
My bursa trigger tries to get in this hole in the rock and can't figure out why he cant fit and the niger can. he hasn't figured out that if he would go around back the hole is twice as big.


I've got a 3 stripe damsel that thinks he's the toughest thing around. Funny thing is he's in with a volitan lion that could swallow him whole and a picasso trigger. He violently attacks anything you stick into the tank, a shovel, bamboo skewer, your hand! He also makes a trilling noise when he's acting tough.


Active Member
haha i had a poor 3 stripe damsel that never bothered anything, minded his own buisness never would swim further than the rock in the left corner in my tank. and he was the first victim to my lionfish! on the other hand i have this blue and gold damsel that i hate cause hes crazy and the lion just cant catch him...but wait till the shark gets him! :hilarious !


Originally Posted by psusocr1
haha i had a poor 3 stripe damsel that never bothered anything, minded his own buisness never would swim further than the rock in the left corner in my tank. and he was the first victim to my lionfish! on the other hand i have this blue and gold damsel that i hate cause hes crazy and the lion just cant catch him...but wait till the shark gets him! :hilarious !

It's not dead yet?