Who has Ghost Shrimp in their tanks?


I have about 18 ghost shrimps in my tank and man, love these guys.
other then turbo snails crap, lol, they eat almost every kind of leftovers. and these guys are so resilient. all survived 4-5 days in a UPS box before I finally am able to convinced UPS to leave the box outside my house in my absence! long story.
anyway, right now, 2 of them are spawning! :D


Ghost shrimp are freshwater...you have glass shrimp, Pandalus montagui. They are hardy little guys, the only inverts I found that can survive low salinity without a problem.
I found this out by accident, I did hyposalinity on a large tank after I THOUGHT I had removed all the glass shrimp. About 2 months later, I moved some rock and two glass shrimp jumped out and swam across the tank. They had survived a full 45 day hyposalinity without a problem.
Great detrivores.