Who has the most amount of fish compared to the size of the tank?


Active Member
I am just wondering who has the most inches of fish per gallon. And if they have any problems or have to do anything maintenance,etc. becuase they have so many fish.
Thanks for anyone that replies!
(I am not encouraging a big livestock... I just want to see what people are doing)


at my doctors office he has a 6" clown trigger, 7" niger trigger, 4" yellow tang, 7-8" naso tang and one clown in a 70gal bowfront.


Active Member
bang, you are amazing. I love it. I have a 10g nano that I have two juviniles in. I am hoping they will pair up and I can try my hand at raising babies too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
10 gallon with 50 - 60 Clownfish:

I swear, you really ROCK!!
Lisa :happyfish

bang guy

Originally Posted by MichaelTX
R those the babies you hatched out bang?
Yep. I can assure you that they are only temporarily housed in the 10.


Active Member
Great color on those fry! I worked at a distributor, wish I had some pics. 500 damsels in a 50 breeder was a weekly occurrence.


Bang, that is so awesome.....I knew right away they weren't in a ***** tank, no ich....couldn't help myself.
Really that is so neat.


my friend has a lionfish, a panther grouper, and a niger trigger in a 10 gallon. hes had them for about 4 months and he is giving them bakk to the LFS soon. they are all about 3 inches with the exception of the panther which is 5 or so.
p.s- BANG that is a sikk picture


Active Member
This is off the original topic but I have to ask; Bang Guy, do they always come out that color? That has got to be the first variation I've seen that I liked, and I like them a lot. I remember that you do quite a bit of breeding so maybe you already know this. If you breed one of those with that color with it's mother you should actually create a new strain. Just separate the male from their mom and put 5 of those fry in with her and let her pick a mate. The resulting brood will be an actual strain with that color and breeding any of those fry will result in 100% that color. Amphiprion Bangguyus.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
10 gallon with 50 - 60 Clownfish:
I have this vid, I'll try to put it up on Utube or something after finals next week. Of the epcots clown fish tanks with them packed in like that. They were really cool

bang guy

Originally Posted by xDave
The resulting brood will be an actual strain with that color and breeding any of those fry will result in 100% that color. Amphiprion Bangguyus.

That's interesting and I did not know that.
They are all that color for about 2 years. At the 2 year point about 1/2 will become mostly black while the rest maintain their juvenile coloration.
I have one strain I would like to produce though. It's a Clown with a Grey 3rd stripe. Perhaps I will attempt the strain maintenance procedure you suggested. Do you think it's worth the effort?


Originally Posted by xDave
This is off the original topic but I have to ask; Bang Guy, do they always come out that color? That has got to be the first variation I've seen that I liked, and I like them a lot. I remember that you do quite a bit of breeding so maybe you already know this. If you breed one of those with that color with it's mother you should actually create a new strain. Just separate the male from their mom and put 5 of those fry in with her and let her pick a mate. The resulting brood will be an actual strain with that color and breeding any of those fry will result in 100% that color. Amphiprion Bangguyus.

Genetics isnt that clear-cut, most organisms are FAR more complex than Mendel's peas....and to be considered a new species they must be incapable of interbreeding with viable offspring...which wouldnt be the case.