who has the rarest fish in their tank

darth tang

Active Member
If I had to add one, I would say the seadragons are the rarest. Going for about 20,000 dollars on the black market. ............


Active Member
Originally Posted by druluv
What about black tangs
This from a site that sells a medium size for $300.
Says there out of stock so dont know how often they get them in.


I have a pinnate batfish in in my 210 all by himself for right now tank was bought specifcally for him its my favorite and one of the more rare fish in my area anyways took me 4 months to get him


I saw a Black tang at a lfs for $45 a couple months ago. I didn't buy it, because I don't care much for fish without cool patterns or brilliant colors. If I knew then that I could flip it for at least $200 I would've sucked up 2 of them.


Active Member
RGMason, could you please please please PLEASE post pix of your batfish and its' tank???

What an AWESOME fish!!!!! :joy:


New Member
i have in my tank a cross between scopas tang and black tang. Its appearance is that 1/3 of its body down to its tail is pure black and the rest is somewhat yellow brown. its the first time i saw one of its kind so i think that too is rare.


Hey Mimzy Yes i will Post in a couple of day my pics going to get a digi camera for my early birtday present it is my favorite fish in the entrie world


New Member
How about a Purple Frilly Rhinopias. We just bought one a week and a half ago for $699. If you can find it, we posted a thread about it. It's a sad story.