Who hates coraline?


Active Member
OK, so it's not so bad, but honestly...the stuff is really hard to get off the front glass at the bottom of a 90 gallon. 90s are tall, and the lip of my glass is about five feet high because I have a 75 under it. All the days I prayed for this stuff to grow, and now it is annoying.:confused: The stuff seems to just looove the front glass since the powerheads hit it good, and I currently must leave about two inches of coraline at the bottom because I simply can reach it with a credit card.....the magnet won't dent it.:( Anyone having similar bitter sweet happenings? advice? I have a scraper with a handle, but it was scratching the glass.:mad:

the claw

Active Member
I have a problem with it sealing off the intake screens of my powereheads, and other redundant filter intakes


Wow... thats a lot of build up of coraline. I have had my tank set up for 2 years and I have had this start on powerheads and mostly on parts like intakes that doesn't get removed every month for cleanings. I used a single sided razor blade ( in a handle) to scrape off the stuff!! I have had it on my glass in the tank, but not real bad and I was able to get that off with a razor blade also. ( Carefully - and I had to keep new blades in it ) If I had it covered like you guys do, wow, I don't know how I would get that off!!


Few Ideas for your problem
1 Just get a small child with scuba gear and hold them by the feet.:D
2 Just chuck your credit card in and set a machine infront of the glass and let the hermits try to swipe it on the machine.
3 Take a plastic rod, just like the one you had with the razor blade...notch the end with a hacksaw and super glue credit card in the notch.
I am thinking the first two would be more amusing but the third worked for a friend with an ocianic 95. It's taller than a 90 and he is only 5'4"


Active Member
I can't afford SCUBA gear, so would a snorkel work? Also, if I did go with the SCUBA idea, do you know if the child would require SCUBA classes for me to dangle him by his feet? thanks in advance.
That looks beautiful actually. I'm jealous because I don't have that... yet. I didn't know it gets all crusty and hardens like that. I don't have enough of it of it myself to notice anything but the colour.


I can see it now, just like the window washers on high rises, two team hermit crabs with scofolding scraping the front of Sammy's tank. :D


I have been working really hard to get alot of coralline growth in my tank I love the color but I don't have near what the claw has in his tank. Claw how long has that tank been up and running?

the claw

Active Member
It's been up for 3 years. edited(its been up for two years since a move, the tank and inhabitants have been around for 3 the coralline growth has been from 2 years) I wish I had some secret. Just kept waterparameters perfect as much as possible with lots of water changes along the way.


Active Member
I remember the first spot that appeared on the glass.....it grew so slowly, but after awhile it starts speeding up and going nuts. I definately do like it, I just can't get it off the bottom of the front glass, and it blocks the entire sandbed and bottom few inches of the rocks when I'm sitting on the couch. Takes about two days to have around thirty spots starting on the front glass. The back glass and sides are solid coraline....that I LOVE, but the stuff is VERY hard to remove from the front. This is actually the fastest coraline growth I have ever had. What are you guys scraping it with??
Claw, looks like you have two different purples on the glass....very very cool, I just have one shade of purple. I have a second purple on the rocks, but it never made it to the glass..:(


Active Member
I use a kent scraper that works pretty well, but it's hard to get the right pressure down deep in the tank to get it off. It comes of easily near the top with the hand held scraper though.