Who is eating hermits


I recieved an order last week from SWF ,everything was great, but now I notice dead hermits out of their shells. Among the stuff I got were a porclain crab, coral banded shrimp,serpent star.The star dissapeared in the rocks and the coral banded shrimp hides all day.Anyone know who eats hermits ? I also got a cleaner shrimp and emerald crab,but I already have those and never had a problem.


Active Member
The simplest answer, if it wasn't a molt, would by the hermits are killing eachother. Do you notice your hermits in different shells than before? Sometimes hermits will think they want a certain shell so they kill the owner and decide later they don't want it.


I have had similar experience as was wondering if I had some incompatible tank mates. I received 10 scarlet hermits in good health but within two weeks I was down to one (who has been healthy now for 3 months). The other tank mates are a red serpent star, peppermint shrimp, turbos, 2 perc clowns and a yellow tail damsel. Tank parameters all look good although nitrates crept up to about 10-15 ppm. I keep salinity at 1.021-1.022. Tank had been stable for a few months before adding them.
I have also noticed some attrition on my turbos over the last 3 months. I have probably lost ~10-15, most of which I find turned over on my CC. Despite my efforts to turn them over when I spot them I am still loosing what I think is too many. Are they really that clumsey that they turn over that frequently or is it a sign that they were in bad health to start with? Comments appreciated.
what happens to mine is that they will fight each other, and the victor will throw out the former resident. Then my emerald crab will "dispose" of the loser.:(


I didnt think of molt,its possible. Also there are a lot of extra shells laying around and they seem to be changing them alot.I just noticed that 2 emeralds were ripping apart a sand sifting crab,I wonder if it died or they killed it.
Try laying alot of empty shells of different sizes and shapes around your tank, it may attract the hermits rather than another's shell, though you can never stop a hermit's good fashion sense! :D