my tangs fins seem to be getting nipped at, in w/ it is a coral cat,lunar wrasse, dogface puffer, and an orbic bat who is to big to nip such small fins..I think it could be the wrasse, anyone have idea's or experience w/ the wrasse or coral cat
I agree with the puffer but when you say tangs fins are you talking plural. If so, how many and what kinds are they?? That would change my anwser some!
I really dont think it is the puffer,he is not that fast and lays around in the rock unless I am feeding, the nips are on top and bottom fins not the tail..thanks for the thoughts
lunar wrasse is doing that. They can be pretty aggressive and probably whenever Tang is grazing close to its territory, its getting chased and loosing tips of tails . Usually that would prevent it from going there, so my theory proves wrong. Then I would say, its being chased
Has happened to my Sailfin several times and I have never been able to figure it out. It is the fastest swimmer in the tank and seems to be on the top of the pecking order. Hasn't happened since my puffer died but like you my puffer never bothered anyone that I could see during the day.