who is ready for THIS algae challenge?


Active Member
finally got a couple of pics of what is going on in my 4 month old tank. some of you know my situation from previous posts and probably thought i was nuts when i said i had alot of growth. i could only get 2 pics before my batteries died AGAIN (thats another problem)
what the heck am i gonna do with this mess?


I bet you have no problem with nitrates! Once you remove it (mostly by hand) you will, as the algae is living off something.


Active Member
experimenting with photo size
hope ya dont mind
and thanks tim, no i have no problem with nitrates so maybe i shouldn't be to concerned, just try and keep it trim and nice looking.

nm reef

Active Member
Yikes!!! Now thats a display at least one member here would be real proud of!! Sorry...I don't mean to make light of your situation...I would try to manually remove as much as possible on a regular basis...plus I'd consider a few natural predators to help keep it under control. Also I'd consider sources of excess nutrients that allows it to grow so rapidly. Possibly even establish a refugium with some of the macros from the display allowed to flourish to compete for nutrients. You've got a serious problem in my opinion with that much algae growing un-checked in your display...but there are things you can do to re-gain control.
Just a comment: This is why I take exception to the minority that repeatedly suggest "assorted macros" for the ultimate in marine system filtration...sadly macros can and will overrun a system in quick order.:thinking:


Active Member
2 things you could do.
1. use this as a refuge
2. ship your rock to BOB, he will love it.

I'm sorry, yeah, I would pull it out. As much as possible.
That stuff grows fast. You could always take a few peices out and scrub it, then do a few everyday.


Active Member
NM reef, first of all thanks for your opinion!!
i have numerous snails and scarlets, had an emerald but have not seen him in a very long time, a serpent star, cb shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, and 1 FAT lmb

plus a few fish and xenia etc.. (not much though, no room for them, lol)
since i have a very lazy (apparently) clean up crew, guess i am gonna have to do the work :rolleyes:
i just dont want to pull anything out that is GOOD


Active Member

Originally posted by dburr
2 things you could do.
1. use this as a refuge
2. ship your rock to BOB, he will love it.

lol, i dont take it personally, it is a problem and you guys are great to make me laugh about it instead of throw a rock through it :thinking: :D
i'll keep plucking, the rock thing sounds kinda cool though :D


Active Member
Un-checked means you didn't pull any out or have anything that will eat it.
Your tank is exactly why I tell people not to put algae in thier display, it is just not a very good idea.
Do you have any tangs? If you not you may want to go ahead and get one, it will help by eating the algae.
This would be a good time to set up a refugium and pull all the algea out of your display and put it in the refugium.


Active Member
first of all i didn't put anything in the tank, it just grew:rolleyes:
i dont have a tang, but i want one, but was recommended not to get one till it will be my last fish. what is your opinion on this? (please !!)
i dont even have a place for my kalk drip let alone a fuge
dont get me wrong i would love to have one.
i forsee an ongoing problem here.......
btw do you think it is the florida rock that is causing this problem?
thanks so much for all your help!


Active Member
How big is your sump?
You could always hang a light in there and add a baffle to the sump. Bam, Instant refuge.


WOW girl!!! I feel bad for ya. I wouldn't however rush off and buy a tang just for the purpose of algae control. They can be very territorial. I'd stick with the order you had originally established and just start pulling out the algae by hand.
I too have bubble algae. It was worse before the two emeralds I got. They are mostly nocturnal (mine anyway). I only ever see them out doing their thing at night with a flashlight.
My LMB is also very fat. Be grateful you don't have that crappy red slime (At least I didn't see any in your tank). That stuff is from satan.
Best wishes. Keep us posted.


Active Member

Originally posted by jrpage
Be grateful you don't have that crappy red slime (At least I didn't see any in your tank). That stuff is from satan.
Best wishes. Keep us posted.Rhonda

yes i have that too!! i've got it ALL


You say you've got cyano alongside that macro? Hmmmmmmm. How much do you feed? What and how often? What's eating that food? What water do you use in the tank...Tap or filtered?
Try a RO/DI water change after pulling some algae... Dillution is the solution to pollution.


Active Member

Originally posted by dburr
How big is your sump?
You could always hang a light in there and add a baffle to the sump. Bam, Instant refuge.

sump is one of those 28 gal rubbermaind containers, not much room left with the skimmer and stuff in there.
are you talking about a fuge/sump combo? i was under the impression they had to be done seperate, but like i said i dont have much room anyway.


Such a shame that algae is preventing you from enjoying such a beautiful setup.
It looks to me you can use that tank to the left as a stand alone refuge system. There are several ways to connect it to the tank.