who is ready for THIS algae challenge?


I have actually seen three types of Caulerpa. THey look like vines with feathers...I think the grape type is classified as a caulerpa...and there is a type that has broad leaves to it. I think that Caulerpa is not a species as much as it is a genus.
Anyways...Do a test of the distilled water for phosphates and silicates if you can. Distilled water comes from a source at times tainted with those chemicals and I dont know if distilling gets rid of them at all. Any excess of either of these nutrients will cause algae to thrive. Nitrates will also do the same thing but there is only so much you can do there.(Fish waste, decaying food, etc. contribute...you know this already though).
I used some phosgaurd in my tank(you only use it for a short time and it says it doesnt leach anything back into the tank at all). It will reduce your phosphates and a little bit of the other two. This might help...dunno though.
How much water circulation is there in your tank? I am battling cyno, and right now it grows in areas where the water flow is not that great. I remove it by hand and my photo period is 8&3(8 hours of daylight with atinic and 3hours of just atinic by themselves-dawn and dusk simulated). I had 13 hours of total photo period and the algae did great. :D It takes 3-4 times as long to grow out of control now. Even if its for a short period of time...try reducing your photo period. Do this gradually if you chose to do it. The tank inhabitants wont like it as much if you go cold turkey with the lights. Have you read Justins thread on cyno? Do a search for cyno(on this website) and you will see one of the best bits of advice Ive read on these boards regarding cyno.(His method does not involve using chemicals :joy: )
Take your time and I wish you the best of luck with your battle.
ps...maybe you should sell the stuff on e-bay. I see a lot of people do that....Just kidding(nothing wrong with it though)


You mentioned brown mushrooms...Could you get a pic. I have this brown disc type algea starting to grow and just thought you just might have the same thing.
Thanks :thinking:


Active Member
Personally I have used a product called red slime remover with great success. It removed the cyano in my reef tank within days with no visable side effect.


Active Member
the vine with the feathers, thats at least one that i have.
thanks for all your advice everyone, if i cant get this under control naturally i may end up with red slime remover.
here is a pick of the shrooms, i hope it came out ok, i am still learning this camera

billy ocean

can I have some.
I'm always looking for vegetation.
My tanks would love it.
Our LFS never have any in. (they have been trying to grow their own...unsucessfully)

bang guy

Cindy - Those look a lot like Ricordea sp.
Try placing one up high under the light & see if it changes coloration.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Cindy - Those look a lot like Ricordea sp.
Try placing one up high under the light & see if it changes coloration.

well, i bought mushrooms, my ricordia looks totally different


We have a Blue Hippo Tang who is a macro algae eating machine. He's buds with the perks and doesn't bother our LMB who was the last addition to the tank. We actually buy macro algae to feed to him and have always just tossed it in the tank. There is never any algae left to take over the tank when he is done. It's time to build a fuge so we can grow our own. Ever seen a tang as fat as he is?


Active Member

Originally posted by Herkemer
We have a Blue Hippo Tang who is a macro algae eating machine. He's buds with the perks and doesn't bother our LMB who was the last addition to the tank. We actually buy macro algae to feed to him and have always just tossed it in the tank. There is never any algae left to take over the tank when he is done. It's time to build a fuge so we can grow our own. Ever seen a tang as fat as he is?

he looks nice and chubby :D
i definatly want a tang but was recommended to wait till the last fish.
i was thinking of a yellow or a naso or both. is one tang a better algae eater than another or do they all eat the algae?


all tangs will eat algae but some more than others... i by no means a tang expert but i know that yellows are algae eating machines, on the other hand koles are more grazers... no experience with naso's but someone will chime in


My experience with tangs is very limited. I know the hippos and yellows really like to eat macros. We added our LMB after the hippo and he doesn't bother it and a friend has added a wrasse and goby after he added his yellow tang and they get along fine. If you do decide to add a tang look for a smaller one. I think they don't learn how to be as agressive if they grow up in the aquarium.
Good Luck,


Active Member
thanks everyone
i have been very pleased with the fish on this site. i ordered a royal gramma this week (and some other stuff), but my next order maybe i will consider the yellow tang. i almost got it this time, but held off. my fish stock will be about done anyway so i should be safe. might be able to get away with 1 or 2 more after the tang, then i think my fish stock will be done. i dont want to over load :happyfish


Cindy, love your tank and the woodwork is beautiful. Hope you get rid of your algae problem soon. Boy, beaslbob would sure be proud.


Active Member

Originally posted by Beckzilla
Cindy, love your tank and the woodwork is beautiful. Hope you get rid of your algae problem soon. Boy, beaslbob would sure be proud.

yea he is :D


Active Member
btw beck
thanks for the compliment on the set up, boy the trouble i have had with it, had the doors replaces 3 times cuz of worpage (sp?) and still i need to call the guy back. though maybe he would settle the problem with a nice coral or something.


It looks like an expensive mix of salad greens !

I still think your tank is amazing and about the tang......
I have never had an aggressive tang :nope:
I have added fish after my current tang and she never even acknowledges them. I guess each person has their own experience keeping them... mine sure is a hearty eater though :yes:
GOOD LUCK "Salad Keeper"


Active Member

Originally posted by ronipa
It looks like an expensive mix of salad greens !

I still think your tank is amazing and about the tang......
I have never had an aggressive tang :nope:
I have added fish after my current tang and she never even acknowledges them. I guess each person has their own experience keeping them... mine sure is a hearty eater though :yes:
GOOD LUCK "Salad Keeper"

i'm hoping my fish will inherit my love for salad:D :joy: ya know there can never be to much green in your diet!
thanks for the compliment on the tank :jumping:
definatly getting a tang soon!