Who is your tank enemey?


Green bird wrasse would eat right out of my hand. Nothing to worry about really. But i just got a humu humu, already showing signs. I little nervous. Ill get over it.


Active Member
Looks like I'm in the majority with my Maroon Clown. I actually despise this fish though, destroys any corals it doesn't seem to like in it's area, even not in his area sometimes. I can never catch it either, it knows I'd like to shoot it with a little harpoon or something(in the process of thinking of something to use), the second I approach the tank it will hide deep in the rocks, I wish my reef lobster would grab it sometime, then I wouldn't have to tear the tank apart to get it out of there. I have a long history with this fish too, have had it for about 2.5 yrs, and has developed into a love/hate relationship, I love to hate it.


Originally Posted by earlybird
Funny how people refer to their large clowns as "he."
that is funny, i did not even realize i did it even though i know better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dangalla
that is funny, i did not even realize i did it even though i know better.

Hummmmmm Me too, I guess now that I think about how this Clown acts, it must be a female!!!!


Originally Posted by Alex4286
mines my purple lobster
he was one of the first purchases
and 7 months later.. still here!
It sticks bcuz his burrow is in the back of the tank, but he does come out at night. Well hes my biggest mistake, because now full grown..and has taken come casualties.. snails, peppermint shrimp, a couple small hermits.. and i think one of my smaller fish. And I've never fed him on purpose..nothing can kill him!
my lobster has tried to eat my 6line twice. Cut him almost in half both times but he's still alive with huge scars.


My female maroon is my #1 enemy but she's still a great fish. She tries to get me whenever I get close to her anemone and when I put a new coral in the tank, she'll attack it while it's still in my hand. Got so bad last time that I had to separate her for a while, until I finished placing the coral.

ric maniac

Active Member
My snow flake eel, named chuck swims up to my arm, and tries to curl around it/bite it. Its kinda weird.


had a long horn cow fish that nibbled on my thumb once. and now we have a huma huma that went after my hand the other day. i wasnt going to take the chance of getting nibbled on again.


New Member
I love my cleaner shrimp, but he drives me crazy. I know it's normal for them to be inquisitive, but I can't do anything in my tank without him getting in the way and climbing up my arms (inside or outside of the tank). In the beginning, his little pokes and pinches were so cute and just tickled. Lately, his pinches have become shockingly hard. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it. But my fiance seems quite tickled at my random cursing into the tank and the fact that I pretty much try to talk the shrimp down to keep him from attacking me.


Active Member
So the concensus seems to be Clowns in general and Maroon's in particular that are the true enemies.


my percs love to eat from my hands - and only my hands - so anytime my hands go in the tank they come sniffin to see if i have food! if my boyfriend is cleaning or whatnot they'll swim through his hand like it's some sort of game to them. those are some fearless fish!!


Active Member
Im not sure which one. Between the maroon and the cleaner, Id say Im screwed. He gets really fast swimming in and out of rocks and will nip at me already, but he's best friends with the CBA. Never seen him nip at the CBA or chase it, only me.
Cleaner shrimp doesnt try to attack me, just really annoying when its like up near my elbow when I try to take my hand out, and it starts like panic clicking its body and scares everything else in the tank.