Who killed my crustaceans?


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank I have been slowly building up for the past 18 months. It is currently stable in the sense that the water tests are always good, the two fish (Coral Beauty Angel & Tomato Clown) I put in there 14 months ago are alive and healthy, and the two scissor tail Gobies I added about a month ago are also alive and well. There is a good amount of live rock with a rainbow of algae, some of those bristle worms that show up on the live rock started appearing a few months ago, and two hermit crabs have also lived in the tank since it's beginning. My problem appears to be that one of my fish, and it would have to be either the Angel or the Clown since the gobies are pretty harmless and came after the death of my shrimp and my sally light foot crab, is eating crustaceans I put in the tank. I have been told many times by the employees at the store where I've purchased all of these that everything was compatible so I'm not sure, but even though the Clown is temporarily aggressive when I put new fish in the tank (the gobies), it seems the Angel fish is the one picking at the remains of hermit crab molts and legs that fell off my sally light foot crab but I never caught him in the act of actively killing anything.

I had a peppermint shrimp in the tank living with some other fish (damsels, etc) who unfortunately didnt make it, they all attacked each other and eventually even though two of them lived about 6 months they eventually died as well. My shrimp had successfully molted once and returned from hiding, and then I added the angel and the clown, the shrimp was fine for weeks with them, he molted again and I suppose he didn't hide well enough but I found parts of his flesh stuck in one of the plants. When I came back later someone had eaten it.

Most recently I added the sally light foot along with the scissor tail gobies, who were terrorized by the clown for a day or so while they hid in the rocks and eventually they all made peace. I added the crab at the same time.....it lived about 2 days and then appeared sitting on a rock as if it were frozen and I did some research and decided I might be looking at the molting since it was missing some legs and I could see slits in the shell as if the living creature were hidden somewhere in the tank. I let time go by, probably two weeks, the molting/dead crab who knows, got moved around and eventually eaten, shell and all.

Solve the mystery, who is killing my crabs? I should note the hermit crabs molt and they are just fine nor do they seem to be picked on but then again they have a hard shell to protect them when they molt so perhaps that is the difference.


Well-Known Member
I had the same issue. Honestly idk what it was. There was something in a piece of my base rock. Bc I took it out let it dry for a week put it back and nothing has touched my shrimp since


New Member
Originally Posted by jay0705 http:///t/397440/who-killed-my-crustaceans#post_3542286
I had the same issue. Honestly idk what it was. There was something in a piece of my base rock. Bc I took it out let it dry for a week put it back and nothing has touched my shrimp since
What do u mean by "something in a piece of your base rock?" I do have some bristle worms that seem to come and go, I will see them for a few days then not again for months but was told they are harmless........and I did see the angel fish at least poking at the shell or perhaps it was the molted crab, and someone def threw the shrimp up on one of my fake plants bc I saw it there and it reminded me of shrimp I used to eat and realized it was unlikely the worms did that........I want to get another shrimp and no one has definitively said the angel fish eats them but he literally demolished all the little featherworm and other growth that was on the live rock I'd had in there for awhile before I added him within days......and I see his beak pecking at things and def watched him eat the crab leg, whether it was a shell or the crab I'll never know but I don't want to keep throwing things in the tank that are doomed to be eaten. And as I said, something def ate a rather sizable hermit crab shell molt within a few hours, again I didn't see who did it but it was gone the next morning. I need to set up a night vision cam lol. You have any experience with the sally light foot crab? Unlike the shrimp, he really didn't last long so I'm not totally sure if he molted and got eaten or just died.......


Well-Known Member
Light foot is a bit large to be killed and eating. I would guess it died and then was scavenged. Crabs are weird. I have hit or miss success w emeralds


New Member
Originally Posted by jay0705 http:///t/397440/who-killed-my-crustaceans#post_3542354
Light foot is a bit large to be killed and eating. I would guess it died and then was scavenged. Crabs are weird. I have hit or miss success w emeralds
I was surprised it died so quickly since nothing was bothering it and my water is good......do you think all crabs are difficult besides the hermits? There are some other cool ones I want to get but not if they're just going to die......


Well-Known Member
Its acclamation and water quality. There more sensitive to certain things than fish. Emerald crabs I have 50/50 success lol so u can try just acclimate slowly


New Member
Originally Posted by jay0705 http:///t/397440/who-killed-my-crustaceans#post_3542573
Its acclamation and water quality. There more sensitive to certain things than fish. Emerald crabs I have 50/50 success lol so u can try just acclimate slowly
Thank you for the advice, I have always viewed anything I added to my tank as a creature who has undergone the stress of being caught live, transported, dumped in my store then dumped in my tank so I always acclimated very slowly with water temp then adding my water to their bag for like 2 hours before adding to the tank and really didnt have any problems.....would you recommend a different acclimation procedure or time frame?


Well-Known Member
I might just boil down to the simple fact that the crab was in the process of dying when you got it. That it was nothing that you or the fish did to it. You seem to have done everything right in the short time you had it. Just bad timing is all.


New Member
Originally Posted by silverado61 http:///t/397440/who-killed-my-crustaceans#post_3542782
I might just boil down to the simple fact that the crab was in the process of dying when you got it. That it was nothing that you or the fish did to it. You seem to have done everything right in the short time you had it. Just bad timing is all.
Thanks......seems silly but I hadn't thought of that and figured I did something wrong or something ate it......but after all the stress they go through between live caught, transport, fish store, more transport to my home then dealing with a new tank I'm always amazing these things live at all. Could be wrong.....I was under the impression some crustaceans, usually crabs with the exception of some specific ones, are pretty hardy....is that wrong?