Who killed my flame scallop??


I came home today to find my flame scallop torn apart
The only new addition I have made in the fish department is a Naso Tang I put in there 3 days ago. Did he kill my scallop? What types of fish would do that? I have a Cinnamon Clown, Percula Clown, Bi-Color Angel, Friedmani, Bi-Color Blenny, Eyelash Blenny, Six Line Wrasse, and 3 Chromis fish. Who dunnit?????


Any angel is not reef safe.
The scallop never lasts long in most home aquariums, because they move around so much it is hard to spot feed them.


I never spot fed him and he made it about a year. I just changed my rocks all around and he was moved so that may have done him in. Bummer! I never had any problem before, I hope my Angel doesn't get a taste for invertebrates. He's been in there a long time, about a year and a half. I would hate to get rid of him.


Originally Posted by gibby84
I never spot fed him and he made it about a year. I just changed my rocks all around and he was moved so that may have done him in. Bummer! I never had any problem before, I hope my Angel doesn't get a taste for invertebrates. He's been in there a long time, about a year and a half. I would hate to get rid of him.
sounds like you have had better luck than most.


Yea, I guess I did. At least it's is a nice new home for my Bi Color Blenny, he's all curled up inside the empty shell!


Active Member

Originally Posted by myreef05
Any angel
is not reef safe.
The scallop never lasts long in most home aquariums, because they move around so much it is hard to spot feed them.
I have had one for ~18 months, I figured he would be toast the day after I joined this board and found out that they usually starve. I guess, DTs, cyclopeese, oyster eggs and overfeeding because of seahorses has kept him in there.


I just checked the SWF.com description of Bi Color Angel and they have it listed as reef safe. Go figure. That is where I ordered it from.


I would doubt starvation, he was tore up pretty good and he looked healthy yesterday. I will have to guess it was the Bi Color. What a bummer, I will have to keep a good eye on my crocea to make sure he doesn't take him out!


Originally Posted by grumpygils
I have had one for ~18 months, I figured he would be toast the day after I joined this board and found out that they usually starve. I guess, DTs, cyclopeese, oyster eggs and overfeeding because of seahorses has kept him in there.
Yes, good lesson for people here. DT's and cyclo-peeze.


Hah! I found the guilty party nipping at my crocea today.....the stinking eyelash blenny! How can I get him out of there??