who knows freshwater?


Active Member
i want to set up a simple freshwater tank. its for my room, so i dont want to have to deal with a heater. whats a nice active freshwater fish that can live in a ten gallon? tetras are tropical, arent they? what about danios?


tetras don't need heater as long as the heat in your room does not go below 70 or so.
guppies are another choice.
i've had some tetras, dwarf frogs, ghost shrimp and some plants in a tank for over 5 years no heater, with just a basic light, nothing special.


Active Member
Along as the water temperature doesn't get below 65F, any danio would work. And as mentioned, most tetras are fine in 65F +.


I have silver dollars, bala sharks, tetras, and others that I can't think of their names right now...LOL...i use no heater at all....The only fish I use a heater for are my african cichlids....and I have the heater on in one tank only cause it is directly under an a/c unit


Originally Posted by joe____17
I dont care much for Bala sharks, twitchy little things.
LOL...yeah the yare pretty skiddish...I had 2...1 jumped out one day while I was cleaning the tank and died the next day
it was almost 12"
the other is about 8" and doing fine...as long as I do not approach the tank too fast....go figure


Active Member
Most any of the live bearers will work and won't get too big for the tank:
Guppies, Swords, Mollies, Platies, Mosquito Fish, etc. can handle temps into the 60's and are fairly tolerant of temp fluctuations.
Danios will generally work as well, but they can be aggressive toward other fish, and depending on species will outgrow the tank.
Tetras (which Silver Dollars are a family member of) generally need to be above 72°-ish and some, like Cardinals, even in the low to mid 80's.


Active Member
Are you going to use tap water? If so, the pH of your water may also be a determining factor in your fish selection.


Active Member
I like rainbow sharks and scissor tails, I've never had a heater with mine and they do great... I also have angels and tetras and danios in my tank along with a pictus catfish. The angels and the pictus would be too small for a ten gallon though.
Do you want to have live plants? That can determine what kind of substrate you should get.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Are you going to use tap water? If so, the pH of your water may also be a determining factor in your fish selection.
when i had FW before i used tap, but i also have RO/DI and could use that along with that "ph buffer" stuff they sell.
im not even trying to do a planted tank. ive done that and got it out of my system.


Active Member
about 65-70 depending on the weather outside. probably closer to 55-60 in the winter. but of course its really gradual.


I would stay away from guppies unless you want to have hundreds of babies. In a ten gallon I would say a handful of neons, a sword tail (males are the ones with the swords) and a Cory cat. Don't add them all at once.


Originally Posted by Scotts
Have you looked into the glo fish? Seems like something you would think is cool.
LOL...I was going to mention them...but for some reason felt I needed to finish payroll first

I have the pink and the yellow ones...I wanted something small that would also add color too.


Active Member
No they actually have had an enzyme or gene from an anenome spliced into their genes so they flouresce. You can google them and find out about them. Unfrotunately I am in the only state in the union where it is illegal to have them.