who likes my new pics??


Active Member
just snapped some new pics just seeing what u guys thought??
tanks kinda loaded right now im waiting for my new Lee Mar euro style flat polished 180G tank with center overflow MRC skimmer and calcium reactor along with my oceans motion 4 way wave maker and my 2 iwaki pumps totalling 4500gph turnover should be up and running by the end of january
but heres my current tank 100G mixed reef lots of differnt things to looks at :happyfish
got a new acropora tenuis the day before xmas its really cool looking in person its a yellowish base color with blue tips and neon yellow coralites in the center



Active Member
u know i have no idea i just call it my knobby starfish lol
have had it now for at least 6 months seems to be doin good....


Active Member
I just now noticed its all one tank :p I figured you had a sps and a soft/lps going... I hope that anemone doesnt move one night while yer sleeping =c(


Active Member
yeah its my mixed reef tank ***) i havent had any problems so far.... that anemone has pretty much stayed there now for about 8 months without a single movement....
im debating on if i should put him in my new 180G tank along with the colt and finger coral im trying to decide if i want sps solely with a few softies such as zoo's and some LPS


Active Member
Well thats for you to decide :) regardless ... it is a pretty cool setup. I enjoyed the pics - thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Great pics... where's my lion?
I see the fuzzy dwarf in 3 of the pics.. cant you see him?


Aaah... found him in two pics. Actually one of them only has 1/2 of him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Aaah... found him in two pics. Actually one of them only has 1/2 of him.
He is under the anemone in one, half of him in another, and he shows up like a sore thumb in the third.


Active Member
ok here is a pic i snapped of him right now he was swimmin away but i caught him :joy:
ill snap more of him if anyone wants some close ups or sumthing


Active Member
yeah i just have no idea what the star fish is i asked ophiura and she couldnt figure out exactly what it was it hasnt harmed anything that i know of yet


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
have u had any problems with the lion in a reef?
You dont see many shrimp wandering around in there do ya? :)


Active Member
i have only ever had one cleaner shrimp in my tank he hides out in the back most of the time but hes about 3" long
as for the star thats the only one ive ever seen like it never another at the LFS