who make good RO/DI system?


New Member
I am planning to purchase a RO/DI system for my FO tank. Can anyone tell me which brand you would recommend in term of price (between $250-$400), reliable and performance. Does GE make a good RO/DI system because I saw HomeDepot has one?


New Member
I saw so many different style such as 3 stages, 4 stages and so on. Which style is good enough for fish only tank?


The HI-S system is a 4 stage and I just use it for fish-only as well. The HI-S system will remove 99.9% of silicates from the tap water as well as all the other crap from tap. This kind of water will really keep algae under control in your fish only. You might not need the size of unit I have, so it might even be cheaper for you. I would still stay with a 4 stage unit with what ever size you get.


New Member
do you have one of those water tank attached to the system or you just turn the system on when you perform the water change? What is the different for those 5-stage and 9-stage units?


New Member
Do you need an RO system? I use tap water... I know that the silicates may be high, but I heard you can use products to remove them? What is best? And do you need these??? I have a 72 gal tank....


I just have my unit hooked up to a faucet in my utility sink. I keep (4) 5 gallon buckets filled all the time which I use for top off water or water changes. I then turn on the faucet to make more water and refill my buckets. I have a 72g and a 180g which are both fish only. I really don't know much about the 9 stage units except that they process more water faster. You can add chemicals to tap water, but still not the same as R/O water, especially when it comes to algae control. I use to use tap and have found a BIG differnence since I have been using strict R/O water. The tank just stays cleaner looking longer and the PH seems to keep stable a lot easier.


New Member
Thanks for the advice... Until I can I get a RO system... I will be using tap water... And chemicals for now.,...