Who makes good LED fixtures?



I'm looking into LED now and I can't really find any LED fixtures, dose anyone know where I can get a good quality one in Canada?


Active Member
My first choice would be a DIY unit. Rapidled has kits that have the LEDs, optics, and drivers included so all you would need is a heatsink and some fans.
My second choice would probably be the Aquailluminations unit.


2" depth - 1537 Par
12" depth - 423 Par
24" depth - 182 Par
is from their discriptions and seems in line with what the posted pars are from custom 1w builds are.
The only bad thing about it is that it only uses 1watt leds, which if you have a shallow tank, 18in or less then it is powerful enough to reach the bottom and have good light levels, but if you have a deeper tank you have to have stronger leds or the light just cant reach the bottom of your tank with enough par to do any real good.
A way around this is using optics on the leds but then you get much less area spread from the led and you have to add more leds or you get a spotty look from the light.
If you have a shallower tank I think that light would do very well.


My tank is 24" tall but realisticly it is only 22 because of the over flow. Then Im going to put 5" of sand so they should be more then enough. Like I said they were throwing off more light then 250W 10000K bulbs at the LFS