Who makes large, shallow tanks?


New Member
Who manufactuers large shallow tanks?
Something along the order of a 72" long X 18-20" wide but only 18 (or less) inches deep?
Oceanic and All-Glass make tanks that are the perfect dimensions but are way too high for my needs. Does anyone know who makes shallower tanks of this size?


I think 125 gal is the shortest they go. Why do you want to go with ony 18 inches for the height?


New Member
Wow...glass cages.com has some great dimensions.
Their 100 gallon long tank is perfect! 72 x 18 x 17
That is exactly the dimensions I was looking for. Thanks.
The reason I am looking for a shallow tank is for ease of maintenance, easy to light properly for some corals I want and also the genral look of it. I like long, wide, shallow tanks.
I have no plans to keep big fish, so tall is not necessary. I also want it as a room divider, but still be able to look over the top of it. The taller the tank, the lower the stand needs to be.


New Member
After further info, I realized that though glass cages sizes are perfect...getting one is near impossible for me as the only way to get one is to pick it up at some kind of trade show...and I'm nowhere near any of their scheduled shows.
Hmmm, maybe I could just get a big tank and hack off the top half of it.
I'm not to sure about building one myself. Are there any websites with plans and/or helpful hints for building one myself?


Active Member
Yeah the message board at SWF.com :D If you want to build a glass one I am of no use to you, but if you are interested in acrylic I could tell you how.;)


Active Member
Mark&Dawn I find it rather easy and have built about 20 tanks so far
KrUnK It depends on where you buy your acrylic, building tanks is a little side business of mine(I still have no problem giving advice on how to build them though), so I get contractor rates on acrylic and weld on.


New Member
Where would one (ok...me, specifically) find the right acrylic and glue (or whatever it is called)?
Is there a place online to order supplies?


hey, how much did it cost too build your 40g? And im with makr and dawn, is there a place too roder acrylic online?(im sure there is).