who or what killed my emerald crab?


:notsure: I found my emerald crab today upside down in the sand, last night I watched him eat and be merry, what could do this to him? In the tank, I have a few red legs, another emerald, a few blue legs, snails, a coral banded shrimp, a torch coral, a open brain, xenias, and a toadstool, and a percula, all in a 33, everything else is fine, who or what is the culprit? :thinking:


Active Member
CBS maybe? since you have corals im assuming you havent used copper.
maybe you have some type of preditor like a mantis? although i doubt they would leave any remains.


I thought my emerald died, but a month later i found it in the tank! it was just a molt. Sometimes crabs just die not because they were killed.


Active Member
maybe another emeralde crab. or did you just get this one? if you didnt acclimate it or temp acclimate, it could have died.


I had mine for 4 or 5 months. Then one day it was just dead. I don't know if it got too stressed while molting or what. Speaking of Emerald crabs make sure you check out the Informational thread on them this month, very interesting!


Active Member
Mine just died out the blue a few days ago. water is fine and nothing else died so I guess stuff just happens sometimes. Had him a good 8-9 months.


I started my tank with with about a dozen...started to notice them and oher inverts dieing...then i started to hear that menicing "tink" in my tank.....DEATH TO ALL MANTIS SHRIMP!!!!!