Who uses a canister filter?



Anyone running a canister filter on their Reef tank?
If your dont mind sharing some input and experiences that would be most appreciated.
..I never like taking the easy road...*sigh* :confused:


New Member
:) I think you would be quite pleased with a canister filter find the one that best meets your needs I have had two a proaquatics which wasnt that easy to use but now i have a fluval and it is the best filter i have I think you can never have enough filtration on any reef tank I have my fluval 304 running along with a hang on tank pump running along with my two powerheads that also have a filter LOL filtration is a major need in tanks yet you will still have to do your water changes often I recommend FLUVAL canisters they are fairly cheap and are of great value when used correctly DONT FORGET to replace your carbon media after every month it gets clogged easily


Natelevi you just described my set up! I didnt have the time, resources or space for fuge etc. I started out thinking FOWLR and had minimal lighting etc. Started with a Penguin 330 bio-wheel. After I decided to go reef, added skimmer and the same Fluval unit. I am also running 2 Maxi-Jet power heads, 600s I think. I agree with you on the Fluval, just basic maint. as one would perform on any equip. I second the recommendation. Personally, we have decided upon "easy" corals and added them slowly. Polyps and shrooms first, Hairy shrooms second, GSP and Rics third, got a little crazy and added a BTA (about a year after start up) and this weekend I'm going even more looney and adding more zoos, a toadstool and a bubble. I think I'm going to stop for a while after these 3. The point is I havent had a loss yet, so I guess my choice of filtration seems to be working. I do have macro in the display also, not sure how much of a diff it makes, but it doesnt seem to be hurting. HTH:D


uhhh...kindof. I'm glad your fluvals are working for you guys.
I'm running a Fluval 404 and honesly i havent had a problem with the water yet, but i do have a green haired alage break, but my tank still is pretty new (7 weeks now). I also have a cheaper protein skimmer but i'm not sure how much of a necessity that is, my fluval picks up a lot of gunk. NOw for my questions. I'm a little confused about your guys setup still.
1. hang on tank pump running along with my two powerheads that also have a filter
- can you explain that. NOt really sure what the hang on tank is all about.
- i pretty much know what powerheads are but i don't understand how your using them.
I was thinking about adding a Fuge but that wont be till summer.
Feel free to jump in anytime anyone and comment. thanx all.


I have a Jebo 918 canister filter, and it does a great job trapping crap. It is a pain in the butt however so clean, so I took it out.


My main problem with canister filters, or with mechanical filtration for that matter, is that it traps crap, which cause phosphates to go off the charts. And every time you clean it, you disrupt bio filtration. I had a tidepool filter with a bio wheel and mechanical filtration, and I had problems with nitrates and phosphates. I got rid of the mechanical, and the bio wheel, added some micro algea and it all strated to drop. IMHO I would stay away from canister filters.


I run a canister filter, 175gph. That is my only mechanical filter that I rely on. The rest I rely on is a fuge, and a kick ass skimmer.............don't trust Stapler.....he has alcoholic snails...........HA-HA


In our case with the hang-on, we were just going to go FOWLR and decided later to try a reef. So instead of trashing or storing the Penguin we left it in place and added the canister. As I've said, we're only going for "easy" to keep corals and we figured any type of filtration would help the cause. As far as the power heads, we use them for water movement not as filtration. I believe there are attachable filters for some powerheads, kinda look like a microphone; best comparison I can come up with. HTH with your ?s ,I cant speak for natelevi, hopefully this post will catch his/her attention.
As far as your algae outbreak, any number of things can cause that: high nutrient content, too much light, not enough clean-up crew, etc. If your questioning why you're having an outbreak, you'd have to post params, bioload, etc. for an answer to your problem. A filter doesnt guarantee an end to algae outbreaks, they may help to limit them to an extent. And I know you said you have a "cheaper" skimmer, but the ? is, Is it working? Are you getting good foam, is the cup collecting nasty green skimmate? Hope any of this info helps out.


Yep it's helped a lot. Thanx everyone for the posts.
If anyone's got anymore comments feel free to share your
2 cents.
I do have a cheaper skimmer but it does collect slime and pumps out 75gph. I'm thinking about running a fuge with my cannsiter filter and buying a better skimmer. I hope this would make a very nice setup for a Reef Tank.
I just added some more snails and received my first hermit crabs today (along with 2 clownfish, yay!). I dont believe i have nearly the cleanup crew i should be having and that might effect things.
I only have my lights on 8 hours a day (dual 175w MH 10ks)
How would i know if i had a high nutrient content?
Other than my standard PH, Nitrate, and amonia tests, what else can i check to see if i have problems?


The biggest one is Phosphates, algae thrive on the stuff. Have you considered adding some macro to the display? Some people dont like it, but it does help and if your planning a fuge you will already have the macro to place when you are ready.
As far as hi nutrients, its a question of how often do you feed, does all or most of the food get eaten, what is your bioload (inhabitants). Does that answer your ?, I just got up and may not be thinking straight yet.
And every time you clean it, you disrupt bio filtration
Im curious about this. I have a fluval and ive never experienced any problems with it at all. its easy to clean too, and it does trap a lott of fish poo. what made you notice the disruption the bio filtration? ammonia spikes? i konw when you clean it , you have to be quick so you dont keep the media out of the water too long. so im just wondering what was the problem w/ the bio filtration. thanks


yep u answered all my questions except one, thanx.
My last one was how can i test the water for other things
other than nitrate, amonia, and ph? thanx


Sorry, Shouse...lost track of the thread and ran into questions of my own. Anyway, if you havent already found them, you should be able to find a test kit for Phosphates at your LFS, as well as others like Calcium, etc.
And, I'm with Waterboy, what kind of disruption are you talking about? Short of not running the filter for a bit, I've never had a problem. Our power was out for almost 24 hrs during a hurricane and didnt see much of a change in our chem., so cleaning the filter doesnt seem like it should be that big of a deal.


i hope cleaning is not a big deal because i need to clean it soon. The people that say they dont have a problem cleaning their Fluval, how do you go about doing it? What things do u replace, how often, and at what period of time? thanks, this thread has been a great help.


First, what type of media are you using?
The Sponges we alternate replacing 2 at about once a month.
The bottom basket holds the ceramic pre-filter; the only thing we do with that is rinse when neccessary,usually with tank water and maybe have to pull algae once in a while.
Second basket usually holds carbon, but alternate after say 2-3 weeks and put some filter floss on top.
Third basket holds the bio-filter media, also with filter floss on top. Change that maybe once a month, again alternating.
The floss normally is so nasty, that gets replaced every time the canister is open!
HTH, going to watch League of Ext. Gentlemen...check the thread tomorrow


Well i'm runnning everything stock right now. I have the big foam pad that comes with it to trap out big crap and than 4 baskets. THe first 2 baskets i have carbon and the top 2 i have the bio media pellets. All of this comes stock with the fluval, havent replaced antyhing yet. You mentioned songes and filter floss and also taking out the carbon sometimes? Where do i get this other stuff and y do u take out the carbon. thanks


New Member
people you never remove the carbon unless you are doing a medical treatment removing the carbon media is like saying HEY i feel like bein the murderer of my reef tank today people say they have a problem with cleaning the fluval filters or watever cuz of the biological load when u clean the filters the only real thing u have to clean are the sponge filters nothing else LOL it cant get dirty occasionally replace the carbon media and ur good to go for a very long time for all u people out there that asked me why i have two powerheads I have them hooked up using them as a major water movement thing called a WAVEMAKER 9000 the best on the market lol paid 7 grand cash lol anyhow any other questions KEEP EM COMING BOOOOYA


wwhat is the sponge filter? is that the foam pad that blocks out all the big junk?


Yes, when I said sponge I was talking about the foam blocks. As far as the pre-filter, I found it on a shelf with the other replacement products the details are on the box. The filter floss was also at the LFS and it started out as an experiment for us to see if was effective in any way. As I stated, it usually gets pretty gummed up with algae so IMO its doing its job. I've even noticed a lower flow rate when it gets clogged up. If you want more details on what we're doing, I'd be happy to oblige. I can post some pics if that would be easier. Let me know.
Nate, you NEVER change the carbon? I'm a little confused by this, in your first response you say "DONT FORGET to change your carbon media...". The research that I've done indicates that the carbon will lose its effectiveness after a month or so and leaving it in for an extended period runs the risk of "putting" the bad elements back into the system. Many people on the board dont even use carbon, except when they've completed a medical treatment.
Anyway, is it possible to see a pic of your tank nate? It may provide a little more insight on your set up.