Who wants South Down sand in Indiana???


New Member
Doing this thread to see how many of you other reefers in the Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois are interested in Getting South Down Tropical Play Sand for your aquariums. There are two of us that are trying to work a deal with Home Depot to get a several skids of SD in the Tri-state area. Problem is that they will not do it unless there is a big demand for it. They would need to order a truck load of the sand which round about 18 skids of the sand to do it though. There is something like 60+ bags on a skid. The areas were trying to get them to ship it to would be Fort Wayne Indiana’s 2 Home Depots stores along with one in Auburn Indiana, and a place or two in Ohio area. So what we are trying to do is find out how much of a demand there is for this stuff so we can pass the info on to them to hopefully push them to carry this brand of sand. I know many of you in this area are like us and always looking for it but cant ever seem to find it. So please post were your from and how many bags you would be looking for. Not saying that will be able make this happen but we are gonna really try to get it to work… I myself am looking on getting like 5 bags of it and the guy working with me is looking for 6 or so also
Thanks all


Active Member
Hey, I need around 10, instead of 6, this way I can get some more, and we'll need to "market" less. Come one you guys, I know someone out there needs this stuff.


New Member
yea man,
i included you in about how many we need when i was adding it up in my head...and i remember you emailing me saying that.
So you're on the list :)
I've posted this on all the boards that i'm a member of, but people just aren't biting like I thought they would. I think we're at about 50bags wanted so far. That's nothing like what I thought it'd be!
Spread the word, would ya please??
I really want to make this a go.


Go to google.com and type in southdown sand and you will find a site that sells it. It's the shipping that might kill you.


New Member
sure I could find it from a pet store online, or call around and find it. I know it's at some store in Michigan, but they mark it up to $10/bag, and then shipping would be at least 20. Heck, i could even drive to pick it up, but a 10hr trip to get some sand would not be worth it to me. Home Depot will help us out if we get enough interest, and it will be cheap. Thats the whole reason we're trying to do this.
thanks for the thought though.